Balance Forfeitures

A forfeiture removes a currency or asset amount from a G/L balance. Only the entire balance amount can be forfeited, so the resulting balance amount is 0.

Note: A forfeiture is generated for a simple balance the first time it expires and each time it expires after being extended only when the balance is configured for a forfeiture and the balance amount at the time of the forfeiture is greater than 0.
When a forfeiture occurs, an associated Event Detail Record (EDR) is added to the MATRIX Event File (MEF) so the information can be tracked by third-party billing systems. Forfeitures apply to prepaid or postpaid G/L balances only. Forfeitures can be triggered automatically when a balance expires and by status transitions. They can be configured to occur immediately at trigger time, or at a specified amount of time afterward (a forfeiture delay). This is specified by a pricing administrator when creating a balance template in a pricing plan.

EDRs include the forfeited amount of a balance (including rollover balances). When a balance is allowed to be rolled over, rollover will occur before forfeiture and the forfeited amount is the amount that is not rolled over. The rolled over amount will be forfeited later if it is not used.

When a balance expires and is not required by any valid offer, the Charging Server forfeits the remaining amount in the balance so that the balance amount becomes zero (0). The Charging Server does not differentiate between prepaid and postpaid balances. The Charging Server generates forfeiture events for forfeiting prepaid balances and writing off postpaid balances.

For information about enabling forfeitures for a balance template, see the discussion about configuring balance forfeiture and credit floor adjust in My MATRIXX Help. For information about balance rollovers, see the discussion about balance rollovers in My MATRIXX Help.