Dynamic Balances and Meters

Balance and meter instances can be created dynamically in response to network usage events. A dynamic balance can be simple or periodic, and can represent a quantity of a currency or an asset. A dynamic meter can track charge amount, discount amount, or usage quantity.

Define dynamic balance templates and dynamic meter templates using a key field list consisting of one or more key field definitions. A key field definition can be a field from a MATRIXX Data Container (MDC), a virtual field, or an aggregation selector. A per-instance key uniquely identifies a specific instance of a balance or meter; the actual instance is created when there is an impact to the dynamic balance or meter.

A key field definition is evaluated to generate a key value. If an instance of the key value already exists, it is used, otherwise, a new instance is created. In both cases, all applicable first usage charge and grant pricing components are applied to the instance.

For more information about creating dynamic balance and meter templates, see the discussions about configuring meter template dynamic properties and configuring balance template dynamic properties in My MATRIXX Help.