Bundles group one or more product offers together so they can be purchased as a unit. You can also create bundle-specific charges, grants, and discounts that override or supplement the existing price components defined in individual product offers.
A Pricing User creates bundles and configures the template fields a Pricing User is allowed to change to make bundles available as catalog items.
You can set a private balance to expire upon full consumption (0 balance). After all balances are expired, the owning catalog item and owning bundle are removed from the system.
A bundle can also be configured with proportional charges across the included offers. A proportional charge bundle allows the user to configure pricing for charge and discount at the bundle level. The bundle price is distributed to the constituent offers. The charge amount for each offer is calculated based on the distribution method and distribution percent for that offer.
For more information about proportional charge bundles, see the discussion about proportional charge bundles. For more information about configuring proportional charge bundles, see the discussion about configuring proportional charge bundles in My MATRIXX Help.
Requirements and Restrictions
- A single product offer can belong to multiple bundles.
- A bundle cannot include other bundles.
- Bundles can have multiple versions and each bundle version has its own revision history. For more information about bundle versions, see the discussion about creating and changing a bundle version in My MATRIXX Help.
- Each bundle must have an object ID that is different from other bundles and individual product offers.
- Bundle properties (such as notification, start and end types, expiration policy, and so forth) supersede the corresponding properties in the individual product offers.
- The debt balance setting in a bundle overrides that of any offer it contains.
- If an offer within a bundle has a particular type of
debt balance, the bundle must include the same type of debt balance.
For more information about offers with debt balances, see the discussion about debt balances.
Note: The bundle can specify a different balance template than that of the offers it contains and can include additional debt balance types. - A bundle can contain no more than one service contract product offer.
- A service contract within a bundle cannot be suspended and cannot be purchased in a pre-active state.
- All subscription offers within a cyclic bundle must have the same Can Not Be Suspended setting on the subscription offer revision; all must be set to true, or all must be set to false. For more information, see the discussion about subscription product offer revisions in My MATRIXX Help.
- A bundle containing only one-time offers is not added
to the subscriber or group wallet. In this case, the bundle functions as a
one-time bundle and the bundle and its one-time offers apply any purchase
charges or grants to the appropriate balances and add any necessary meters
and balances to the subscriber or group wallet.
For more information about one-time bundles, see the discussion about one-time bundles.
- A bundle cannot contain a mixture of suspendable and non-suspendable product offers. If a bundle includes only non-suspendable offers, the bundle is treated as non-suspendable and will not be suspended when the offer owner undergoes a status transition that suspends all offers.
When a product offer is purchased through a bundle, during validation, the system verifies the following cycle data objects set on the product offer exist in the system:
- Selected grace period profile
- Selected late charge notification profile
- Selected recurring failure notification profile
- Selected recurring advance notification profile
- Selected recurring recharge notification profile
When a product offer is purchased through a bundle, during validation, the system verifies any filters associated with the product offer exist in the system, and that the balance template ID is set and is not 0.
- Bundles cannot include global offers.
- The charge and discount components in the proportional charge bundle can only be for purchase, purchase item activation, purchased item cycle recurring, or cancelation applications.
- There can be only one charge, and only one discount component for these applications.
- A proportional charge bundle must specify a valid distribution method.
- When a product offer with charge or discount components for these applications is added to a proportional charge bundle, the components must be defined/redefined in the bundle for these applications. The charge or discount components for these applications in the product offers are ignored.
- The product offers within a proportional charge bundle cannot mix tax-inclusive and tax-exclusive pricing for these applications.
- If the distribution method is either distribute_total_charge or distribute_base_charge_and_taxes, the product offers within a proportional charge bundle cannot have tax-exclusive pricing for these applications.
- The override and supplemental pricing components referenced in the bundle cannot be charge or discount components for these applications.
- The distribution percentage for each product offer in the bundle is a decimal from 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).
- The sum of all distribution percentages must add up to 1.0 (100%).
- A service contract offer in a proportional charge bundle cannot contain a payment schedule.
Events and Notifications
For information about how purchased, canceled, and applied product offers in bundles are included in events, see the discussion about Event Detail Records (EDRs) in MATRIXX Architecture.