Balance Forfeiture Tax Calculations
When a balance expires and forfeiture is processed, configured taxes are applied to an actual currency balance (prepaid or postpaid G/L balance) when the following is true:
- Either tax classes or a tax selector are configured.
- Forfeiture is enabled.
- Balance amount to be forfeited is a negative value (forfeiture impact is positive).
- Prepaid balance of $-40
- Total tax rate defined for the balance template:
- 20% for Tax1
- 5% for Tax2
- Forfeiture base charge = $32
- Taxes:
- Tax1 = $32 * 20% = $6.4
- Tax2 = $32 * 5% = $1.6
- Balance amount becomes $0
If taxes are applied during forfeiture processing, tax details are included in the Event Detail Record (EDR).