Balance Classes

A balance class defines a unit type and a measurement unit for all balance templates of that class. The unit type determines how the service impacting the balance is measured by duration, volume, or none.

All balance templates of the same balance class must use the same balance unit. The measurement unit is based on the unit type. For example, possible measurement units for Duration are seconds, minutes, hours, days, and weeks. One balance class can have any number of balance templates. For example, a Euro balance class might have a EUR_Data balance template and a EUR_Voice balance template defined for it.

A balance class also defines how several balance template properties display in My MATRIXX. The options include a balance symbol, such as $ for dollars, the type of separators to use for decimal values and thousands, and how to visually represent the precision and rounding for the balance amounts. During rating, balance impacts are accurate up to a maximum precision of 8 places.