Pricing Corrections and Revisions
Make corrections and revisions to all pricing items except balance classes, meter classes, balances, meters, and products. For information about product offer versions, see the discussion about product offers.
A correction changes the current revision of the pricing item, which overwrites the information previously set. It does not create a new file in the pricing repository. Corrections take effect immediately when they are loaded into the system, so they affect existing subscriptions and new subscriptions. They are intended for emergency fixes, not normal pricing update operations. Only make corrections when your pricing plan contains errors.
You can correct pricing items that are currently active in the system and those that will not be activated until a future date.
A revision creates a new file in the pricing repository, copies the contents of the previous revision into the new file, and lets you change it to make a new revision. You use revisions to change the pricing for both new subscribers and existing subscribers. The revised version changes the instance owned by existing subscribers when it becomes active in the system. When a new revision becomes active, the old one becomes inactive. The activation date and time are controlled by a start date defined for the revision, which defaults to the date and time the revision is created. Setting future start dates allows you to have several inactive revisions of a price component saved with a product offer. Each one becomes valid as soon as the start date occurs. Revisions act like a date normalizer. When an event is received, the rating engine determines which revision is applicable to the event time and it uses that one. This allows MATRIXX Engine to handle older events that are received along with new events and apply the proper rating. Only one revision can be active in the system at one time.
Subscribers, groups, devices, and wallets can have associated purchased offers and balances that are not valid at the time of an event. For any reference to a pricing item, either from any of these subscriber objects or from other pricing items that are valid at the time of the event, there must be a valid revision associated with the subscriber, group, device, or wallet for it to be applicable during rating. For example, during rating, a product offer with a future date is not valid. If there are no revisions of a product offer valid at the event time, rating will fail for the incoming event.
When you compile your pricing plan, the latest correction of all revisions—past, present, and future—are loaded into the pricing database. This ensures that past revisions are available if necessary and all future pricing items are available when the time comes. For example, product offers reference all revisions of price components. During rating, only one revision is valid for a particular event or authorization request. The MATRIXX Engine uses the event date or the subscription date to select the right revision of a pricing object to use.
The number of pricing revisions compiled into the pricing file is limited out-of-the-box to 45 days of revisions. Any revisions compiled outside of the 45 day window are not compiled. Administrators can change the compilation window in My MATRIXX.