Debt Balance Events and Notifications

Events and notifications are generated during purchase, payments, and write-offs that impact debt balances.

For information about events and notifications generated during purchases impacting debt balances, see the discussion about MtxOfferPurchaseNotification, MtxBundlePurchaseNotification, MtxRecurringChargeEvent, and MtxRecurringChargeNotification in MATRIXX Integration.

When debt is paid or written-off, an MtxDebtPaymentNotification is generated, and either an MtxDebtPaymentEvent Event Detail Record (EDR) or MtxWriteOffEvent EDR is generated depending on whether the debt balance is associated with an external payment. The MtxDebtPaymentEvent EDR is generated for all debt balance paid within a purchased item. After a recharge is successful, an MtxDebtPaymentEvent EDR and MtxDebtPaymentNotification are generated.

The DebtBalanceInfo field in an MtxDebtPaymentNotification and MtxDebtPaymentEvent EDR includes information about the debt balances. When the write-off policy is cycle (which is only applicable to fee and recurring debt balances), the DebtBalanceInfo related fields in the purchased offer (for example, RecurringDebtPaid, RecurringChargeTotal) are reset to zero at the start of a new recurring cycle before any charges are applied.

For more information about these fields, see the discussion about MtxDebtBalanceInfo in MATRIXX Integration.

In cases where a payment covers debt from multiple offers, multiple debt payment events might be generated due to the following:
  1. Fee debt must be paid first. This means that if multiple offers have fee debt, you will see a debt payment event generated for each offer.
  2. A debt payment event is generated per offer. This means that after all fee debt is paid, subsequent payments to purchase and recurring debt will cause a debt payment event to be generated for each offer.

For information about events and notifications generated during debt payment, write-off, or recharge, see the discussion about MtxDebtPaymentEvent and MtxDebtPaymentNotification in MATRIXX Integration.

When debt is written-off as part of offer cancelation, an offer cancel event is generated and separate debt payment events for each debt balance being written-off. For details, see the discussion about MtxCancelOfferData in MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.

When transitioning to a grace period, a grace fee is charged. The fee is applied to the fee debt balance, and a fee charge event is generated to record the fee amount. For more information, see the discussion about MtxFeeChargeEvent in MATRIXX Integration.