Offer Cancelation and Expiration

When an product offer is canceled, any cancel charge or early termination charge (for contract offers) that cannot be paid by prepaid currency balances, is applied to the fee debt balance. When canceling an offer with debt balances, optionally specify how existing debt is handled.

Using the offer cancel SubMan APIs for purchased items with debt balances, optionally set the MtxCancelOfferData.DebtCancellationMode field in the request with one of these values:
  • pay_all (1) — This is the default value. The subscriber pays the cancel charges and all debts. If the subscriber cannot pay the charges and debts, the offer cannot be canceled.
  • write_off_all (3) — All accumulated debts are written off.
Note: When an offer is canceled, the debt cancelation mode overrides the write-off policy. If an offer is canceled with the write_off_all debt cancelation mode and there are outstanding debt balances, all the offer’s debts are written off at the time of offer cancelation.

The debt balance can be a fee, purchase, or recurring balance. When debt is written off as part of offer cancelation, a single MtxDebtPaymentEvent Event Detail Record (EDR) is generated and the impact type for each debt balance is write_off. When a debt balance is canceled, an MtxCancelEvent EDR is generated. When a debt balance write-off occurs as part of cancelation, the AssociatedEventId field in the MtxCancelEvent EDR and in the MtxDebtPaymentEvent EDR identifies the related events.

If an offer expires, debt balances with a write-off policy of expired (4) are written off, and a debt payment event is generated for each debt balance that is written-off.

A canceled or expired offer is not purged from the database until all debt balances are paid or written off. When an offer is purged, all its debt balances are purged from the database at the same time.

A debt balance defined with the none write-off policy is written off after a configurable duration after offer expiration time. A debt balance with the Create External Payment Request attribute is written off when a globally configured number of days have passed after the payment due date. For more information about configuring the duration after offer expiration time, see the discussion about debt balance and recurring write off policy.

For more information about product offer cancelation, see the discussion about product offer MDCs in MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.