Proration Granularity
You can specify the proration scale unit (second, minute, hour, or day) when weekly, monthly, or yearly scaled charges and grants are to be prorated.
During MATRIXX Engine configuration, answer the question: Global:What should be the proration scale unit when weekly, monthly or yearly recurring charge/grant are to be prorated (second/minute/hour/day)?. The default value is day.
For more information about configuring the proration scale unit question, see the discussion about global system configuration in MATRIXX Configuration.
When proration is scaled, you can override the
proration granular unit and include the current time unit in charging through the
following APIs:
- MtxRequestSubscriberPurchaseOffer
- MtxRequestGroupPurchaseOffer
- MtxRequestDevicePurchaseOffer
- MtxRequestSubscriberCancelOffer
- MtxRequestGroupCancelOffer
- MtxRequestDeviceCancelOffer