
Request to purchase one or more catalog items for the specified device. The device must be currently owned by a subscriber and any required balances specified in an associated offer template will be created and initialized in the subscriber wallet.

Base container: MtxRequest

Derived container info: MtxRequestDeviceImportPurchaseOffer

Response container info: MtxResponsePurchase

Table 1. Parameters
Name Data Type Flags Description
DeviceSearchData MtxDeviceSearchData Required Device search data structure used to locate the device.
OfferRequestArray array of MtxPurchasedOfferData Required Catalog items being added to the device.
ChargeMethodData MtxChargeMethodData Optional Charge method used for purchase.
EligibilityCheck bool Optional If true (default), eligibility rule evaluation will be performed. If false, eligibility rule evaluation will be skipped.
OneTimeTaxGeoData MtxGeoData Optional This field is optional. If provided, it will override the provisioned geocode for tax calculation as follows: * For individual offers, only one-time offers (not subscription offers) can have geocode override. * For bundle offers, geocode override applies only if there is no subscription offer in the bundle.
PurchasePackageData MtxPurchasePackageData Optional If specified, the data for a purchase package to be created for this purchase request. All the catalog items specified in OfferRequestArray will be associated with this new purchase package. Either PurchasePackageData or PurchasePackageResourceId can be specified, but not both.
PurchasePackageResourceId unsigned int32 Optional If specified, all the catalog items specified in OfferRequestArray will be associated with this existing purchase package. Either PurchasePackageData or PurchasePackageResourceId can be specified, but not both.