Proration in the Same Cycle Period
The Charging Server does the following when an offer is purchased and resumed or canceled or suspended in the same cycle period:
- When a product offer is canceled or suspended in the same period in which it was purchased or resumed, the purchase and resume proration type is set to full, and the cancel and suspend proration is set to refund prorated amount. The product offer is treated as if it was purchased and resumed at the start of the cycle, regardless of when it was purchased and resumed. The refunded prorated amount is not based on the time the product offer was owned, but on the time since the start of the cycle.
- When a product offer is canceled in the same period in which it was suspended, there is no forfeiture or refund if there was already a forfeiture or refund at the time of the suspension.
- When a product offer is resumed in the same period in which it was suspended, there is no charge if there was no refund at the time of the suspension.
- When a product offer is resumed in the same period in which it was suspended, there is no grant if there was no forfeiture at the time of the suspension.