Removing Expired Purchased Offers

Purchased product offers that have expired (purchased individually or as part of a bundle), either because they have been canceled or their validity period has ended, are removed from the owning subscriber, group, or device after a configured amount of time.

Note: Bundle settings override the expiration policy of individual offers purchased as part of the bundle. For more information about the bundle expiration policy, see My MATRIXX Help.

The offer removal operations are processed by the MATRIXX Charging Application as a background task that is triggered by the Task Manager's recurring processing scan. By default, purchased product offers are removed from the owner 45 days after they have surpassed their expiration time, which is the lesser of the offer validity end date and cancelation date.

You can change the default retention period by changing the answer to the following question: Global:How long (in seconds) should expired offers be retained before being purged from the system?

After making this change to the question, apply the configuration change. For more information, see the discussion about applying MATRIXX Engine configuration changes in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.

Integrators can change the end time of a purchased offer or bundle with the MtxRequestSubscriberModifyOffer, MtxRequestDeviceModifyOffer, and MtxRequestGroupModifyOffer commands. During the scan and offer removal operations, online charging is not interrupted.

For information about configuring expired offer removal see the discussion about global system configuration in MATRIXX Configuration. For information about configuring Task Manager processing, see the discussion about Task Manager configuration in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.

Purchased offers within a purchase package are purged from the system after expiring. When all purchased offers have been removed from a purchase package or purged after becoming inactive, the purchase package is automatically deleted from the database. For more information about purchase packages, see the discussion about managing purchase packages in MATRIXX Subscriber Management.