Global System Configuration

Use the configuration parameters in to determine global system behavior. These parameters are subscription-related and include notification behavior, Diameter Re-Auth-Request (RAR) behavior, active session behavior, policy behavior, and interim bill cycle settings. Questions related to global settings are prefaced with Global.

Global System Parameters

Global System Configuration Parameters lists the information required to configure the Task Manager and other global system parameters. For more information about Task Manager properties, see the discussion about Task Manager configuration.

Table 1. Global System Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
EDRs — Configure DATETIME Fields Configure DATETIME fields for primary events to be the timezone of the event initiator and the timezone of the wallet owner for secondary events. question: Global:Do you want DATETIME fields in events to be expressed in the time zone of the event initiator and the time zone of the wallet owner for secondary events (y/n)?

EDRs — Configure Aggregated Events Configure if the GrossAmountAfter field for updated balances is included in MtxBalanceUpdate for aggregated usage events. question: Global:Should GrossAmountAfter be provided for every updated balance in aggregated usage events (y/n)?

If the answer to the question: Do you want to enable the event balance amount-before field (y/n)? is y, then the GrossAmountBefore and GrossAmountAfter fields are both included in the aggregated usage events.

For more information about the GrossAmountAfter field, see the discussion about EDRs for aggregated usage in MATRIXX Integration.

EDRs — Custom Event ID Prefix Sets a custom prefix for the EventId values in EDRs. When a prefix is specified, it is added after the three-character encoded event date and before the event ID value. The prefix is followed by an underscore, for example, "CSR1_". Custom prefixes are limited to 19 characters and should not include any special characters or symbols such as a colon (:), dash (-), or underscore (_). question: Global:What EventId prefix should published events have?

For more information about the EventId, see the discussion about EDRs in MATRIXX Integration.

EDRs — Custom Event ID Prefix
Maximum Number of Purchased Offers Sets the maximum number of purchased offers a subscription, group, or device can own. question: Global:What is the maximum number of purchased offers a subscriber, group or device could have?

Note: This limit is enforced only when product offers and bundles are purchased. It is not enforced when product offers or bundles are activated.
Maximum Number of Balances in Wallet Sets the maximum number of balances a subscription or group can have in a wallet. question: Global:What is the maximum number of balances a subscriber or group could have in the wallet?

Note: This limit is enforced only when product offers and bundles are purchased. It is not enforced when product offers or bundles are activated. However, if the maximum number of balances per wallet limit is exceeded due to activation, then you cannot purchase product offers or bundles for the subscription or group until you resolve the issue.
Expired Offer Removal Sets the amount of time in seconds after which to remove expired product offers from the owning subscription, group, or device, either because they have been canceled or their validity period has ended. question: Global:How long (in seconds) should expired offers be retained before being purged from the system?

Expired Balance Removal Sets the amount of time in seconds after which to remove expired balances from the owning subscription, group, or device, either because they have been canceled or their validity period has ended. question: Global:How long (in seconds) should expired balances be retained before being purged from the system?

Default Refund Period for One-Time Offers Sets the default refund period for a one-time offer. question: Global:How many days after the purchase date can an one-time offer purchase be allowed to be refunded?

Billing and Balance Cycle — End Of Month Policy Determines how to handle the end of month time when the cycle offset does not exist in the preceding month. The valid options are:
  • 0 — Preserves the prior behavior, which aligns a periodic balance or billing cycle that has an offset greater than the number of days in the month to the last day of the month.
  • 1 — Adjusts the cycles for February to March 1st, where the offset is greater than the number of days in February, whether 28 or 29 that year.
  • 2 — Adjusts cycles for any month to the 1st of the following month when the cycle offset is greater than the number of days in the month. question: Global:What policy should be used for determining the end of monthly balance/billing cycles?

Periodic Balance — Start Time and End Time Validity Sets whether balance period start time and end time are adjusted to be within the balance validity time. question: Global:Should reported balance period start time and end time be adjusted to be within balance validity time (y/n)?

Set Balance End Time to Past Sets whether the balance end date can be set to a past date. question: Should a manual balance adjustment allow the end time be set in the past (y/n)?

Billing and Balance Cycle — Period Change Policy Determines the size of the first billing period after a billing profile has been changed. This period is shorter or longer than the usual period for that cycle. For example, if a monthly billing cycle changes in August from the 1st of the month to the 11th of the month, the period starting on September 1st is 10 days (through September 11th) or 40 days (through October 11th).
The valid options are:
  • shorter: Always use the shorter period (10 days in the preceding example).
  • longer: Always use the longer period (40 days in the preceding example).
  • auto: Use the shorter period if it is at least half of the usual period length, otherwise use the longer period. (For a monthly period, this typically results in a cycle from 15–45 days.) question: Global:Should the first period of a modified bill/balance cycle be shorter or longer?

Global Period Termination Delay Determines the period termination delay in the following situations:
  • When usage or charges for a period of a periodic meter increment that period after it has ended (for meters that are configured to close periods) — This question determines the delay during which the period is incremented. When the delay time ends, an MtxMeterPeriodCloseEvent EDR is generated.
  • When the current period is terminated early due to a billing cycle change, the subscription receives a refund of recurring charges prorated to the period termination time — This question determines the number of minutes to wait for late arriving events before terminating a period due to billing cycle change.
  • When a bill cycle period ends, usage charges for the preceding period can still be charged to the preceding period — This question determines the period of time during which usage charges for the preceding period can still be charged to the preceding period. This question also determines when the MtxTransferToBilledAREvent EDR is generated after the end of a bill cycle period.
  • At the end of a day, charges for events generated the prior day can still be included in the GL processing for this day — This question determines how long after the end of the day to include the charges in the GL processing for the day. question: Global:How long (in minutes) should period termination be delayed?

240 minutes (4 hours)

maximum is 1320 minutes (22 hours)

Configure Proration Scale Unit Specify the proration scale unit (second, minute, hour, or day) when weekly, monthly, or yearly charge/grant is to be prorated. question: Global:What should be the proration scale unit when weekly, monthly or yearly recurring charge/grant are to be prorated (second/minute/hour/day)?

GL — Include General Ledger Information in EDRs EDRs can include General Ledger (GL) information for each charge record that is for a currency balance impact. question: Global:Should general ledger (GL) info be included in events (y/n)?
Note: If re-rating is enabled, the GL date is included in every event.
GL - Use the Deprecated pre-5100 General Ledger System Confirm that you want to use the pre-5100 General Ledger system. question: Global:Should the old GL Info Generator be used to generate GL info in events (y/n)?

This question is only asked if you answered yes to the Global:Should general ledger (GL) info be included in events (y/n)? question.

Reject Messages with Dates in the Future Answer yes to this question to reject event data with an invalid future date. question: Global:Should the future message be rejected (y/n)?

Allowed Future Message Time Sets the period of time, in minutes, after the current time, where if the event time of a message is in this range, the message is allowed. Messages with an event time set beyond this value are rejected if you answered yes to Global:Should the future message be rejected (y/n)? question: Global:What is the allowed message time range (in minutes) in future?

Event Aggregation Delay Time When event aggregation is configured, event data is aggregated across a configured period before the event data is written to an EDR in the event database. Occasionally, messages can be received after an aggregation period is complete. For this reason, you can configure an aggregation buffer that allows events that are received a specified number of seconds after the period ends to be included in the aggregation period. question: How long (in seconds) do you want to delay at the end of a period before triggering event generation?

Audit Data for Usage Events Sets whether to write additional data to the transaction logs and transaction log file when an aggregation object is updated or when a usage event is created. question: Should audit data be generated for all usage transactions (y/n)?

Discount Component Selection Specifies whether the discount components from a particular operation are applicable for a selected purchase item in the question: Global:Should the discount components from a product offer for a particular operation (e.g. purchase, usage, recurring, cancel, etc.) be applicable for selected PurchasedItems in the hierarchy (y/n)? y
Devices — Require IMSI during Mobile Device Creation Specifies if an IMSI value is optional or required when creating a mobile device using the SubMan APIs. The default value (y) specifies that an IMSI value must be specified during mobile device creation. question: Global:Is Imsi a required field to create a mobile device object (y/n)?

Default Logging Level for a Server at Start-up Specifies the default logging level for a server at start-up. question: What log level do you want to use?

Request Processing Minimum Time-to-Live Window The Charging Server clears its input queue until the incoming messages are more than this number of milliseconds before the expiration time, to avoid rejection by the transaction server.

ChargingServer:What is the minimum remaining Time-to-Live window (in milliseconds) required to enable business logic processing of a request?

External Payment Removed from System Sets the number of days after the due date of an external payment request to remove the request from the system. question: Global:How long (in days) after due date should an external payment request be removed from the system?

External Payment Write Off Sets the number of days after the due date of an external payment request to write off the debt. question: Global:How long (in days) after due date should the debt of an external payment request be written off?

External Payment Overdue in Days Sets the number of days after the due date of an external payment request to consider the request overdue if it is not yet paid. question: Global:How many days after the due date should an external payment request be considered overdue if it is not yet paid?

IEC — EVENT_REQUEST Retention Sets how many EVENT_REQUEST records per device are retained in the system before older records are purged from the system. The minimum value is 0 and the maximum value is 2500. question: Global:How many EVENT_REQUEST records should be retained in the system before older records are purged?

Note: If you specify 0 for this question, then you must also specify 0 for the Global:How long (in seconds) should EVENT_REQUEST records be retained before being purged from the system? question.
IEC — EVENT_REQUEST Removal Sets the length of time to keep the EVENT_REQUEST messages in the activity database.

Immediate Event Charging (IEC) can use messages of CC-Request-Type EVENT_REQUEST with Requested-Action DIRECT_DEBITING to apply charges (not reservations) up front. In the unlikely event that the one-time usage event fails, for example, a SMS could not be sent due to network failure, a later EVENT_REQUEST message with Requested-Action REFUND_ACCOUNT can be sent. The REFUND_ACCOUNT request requires the associated EVENT_REQUEST to be present. question: Global:How long (in seconds) should EVENT_REQUEST records be retained before being purged from the system?

Note: If you specify 0 for this question, then you must also specify 0 for the Global:How many EVENT_REQUEST records should be retained in the system before older records are purged? question.
86400 (1 day)
IEC — Final-Unit-Indication (FUI) Notifications Enables a notification to be sent when an EVENT_REQUEST with a DIRECT_DEBITING action fails due to either a credit limit being reached (Diameter code 4012 - DIAMETER_CREDIT_LIMIT_REACHED) or the service being denied (based on the FUI generator rules associated with the service context), for example, when a subscription state is invalid. In such cases, FUI information is not returned to the network in the Diameter response message.

To use this behavior, pricing administrators must create the FUI profile with the Action set to None and Notification selected. question: Global:Should Final-Unit-Indication for Event-Request be enabled (y/n)?

Replay Outstanding Batch Maximum Sets the maximum value that the standby engine can send to the active engine for the number of batches outstanding, for dynamic adjustment of replay speed.

Global:What is the maximum value allowed for max outstanding batch during replay?

Window Count Sets how often the standby engine sends a maximum batches outstanding value to the active engine, controlling how often replay speed is adjusted.

Global:What is the window count before max outstanding batch can be increase/decrease during replay?


Global Logging and Monitoring Parameters

Table 2. Global Logging and Monitoring Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Enable System Monitor Determines whether the MATRIXX Engine runs the System Monitor service. For information about configuring System Monitor, see the discussion about configuring and enabling System Monitor in MATRIXX Monitoring and Logging. question: Global:Do you want to enable the MATRIXX System Monitor Service on the processing blades (y/n)?

Enable System Monitor on the Processing Server Determines whether the MATRIXX Engine runs the System Monitor service on the processing server local message queues. For information about configuring System Monitor, see the discussion about configuring and enabling System Monitor in MATRIXX Monitoring and Logging. question: Global:Do you want the MATRIXX System Monitor Service on the processing blades to monitor Local Message Queues (y/n)?

If set to y, the earlier System Monitorquestion must also be set to y.
Enable Prometheus Agent Indicates whether to enable the MATRIXX Prometheus Service Agent. This question only applies to cloud native deployments. question: Do you want to enable the MATRIXX Prometheus Agent Service (y/n)?

Prometheus Agent Port Number Specifies the Prometheus Agent port number. question: Prometheus:What port number do you want the Prometheus Agent to listen on?

This question is only asked if you answered yes to the Do you want to enable the MATRIXX Prometheus Agent Service (y/n)? question.


Global Notification Parameters

Table 3. Global Notification Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Notifications — Retry Interval Size The amount of time to wait, in microseconds, between resending a notification when an acknowledgment of delivery is not received from the ActiveMQ server. question: Global:How much time (in microseconds) should elapse between the time a notification is sent, and the time it is resent?

Notifications — Retry Count The maximum number of times to send a notification when an acknowledgment is not received. For example:
  • When set to 0, the Charging Server resends the notification message until an acknowledgment is received from the Notification Server.
  • When set to 1, the Charging Server does not resend the notification message.
  • When set to 2, the Charging Server sends the notification message one more time after the original message. question: Global:How many times should a notification be sent if an acknowledgment is not received?

Notifications — Custom Notification ID Prefix All notifications sent from MATRIXX Engine can have the same specified value prefixed to the NotificationId value. When a prefix is specified, it is added to the beginning of the NotificationId value, followed by an underscore, such as "E1_". Custom prefixes are limited to 19 characters question: Global:What NotificationId prefix should published notifications have?

Notifications — Custom Notification ID Prefix
Notifications — Missed Notifications The amount of time to continue sending missed notifications. A missed notification is a notification that was not sent because an object transition to a different state skipped a notification delivery point (for example, 1 week before expiration). question: Global:What is the maximum time in minutes do you want to allow to send missed notifications?

14400 minutes (10 days)
Notifications — Save MtxNotification in MtxNotificationDoneEvent When enabled, the MtxNotification object is saved in MtxNotificationDoneEvent. question: Should Notification MDC be copied into the NotificationDone events (y/n)?

Notifications — Save MtxNotification in MtxNotificationDoneEvent if Status Is Failure Controls whether an MtxNotification MDC is copied to the MtxNotificationDoneEvent EDR. If the answer to this question is y and the operation type is notification_failure, then the MtxNotification MDC is copied to the MtxNotificationDoneEvent EDR. If the operation type is notification_success, the MtxNotification MDC is not copied to the MtxNotificationDoneEvent EDR. question: Global:Should Notification MDC be copied into the NotificationDone events only if there is a failure in notification delivery (y/n)?

This question is only asked if the answer to the following question is n: question: Should Notification MDC be copied into the NotificationDone events (y/n)?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Disable Controls whether 5G or Gy charging notifications are sent. Does not create additional questions, however you can still configure the "Gy — Session Inactivity Period" question if you answer y to the following question: question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:Disable Re-Authorization Requests (y/n)?

Note: If you answer y, session 5G charging notifications and Gy RARs are not sent. So if a session is expired, it is deleted after the configured value for the session inactivity period.
When editing a service context type in My MATRIXX, you can set if RARs are disabled for a specific service context type.
Note: If RARs are disabled during global configuration, all RARs are disabled.
Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — QVT Initial Wait Time Sets a time interval, in seconds, for how long to wait after the quota validity time (QVT) expires to send the initial notification. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after the QVT expires?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Interval Size Sets a time interval, in seconds, to wait before sending another notification if the earlier notification was not answered. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after each attempt?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Retry Count Sets the maximum number of notification attempts to try and obtain an answer. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:How many attempts?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Quota Expiration Controls whether a notification is sent after the quota expires. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:After quota validity time (QVT) expires (y/n)?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Subscriber Catalog Item (Offer) Purchases Controls whether a notification is sent after a catalog item (offer) is purchased by or for a subscriber, and the subscriber has open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When an offer is purchased for a subscriber (y/n)?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Subscriber Catalog Item (Offer) Purchases Granted to Tier Group Controls whether a notification is sent after a catalog item (offer) is purchased by a subscription and granted to a tier group, and one or more group members have open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When an offer is purchased by a subscriber and granted to a tier group (y/n)?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Group Catalog Item (Offer) Purchases Controls whether a notification is sent after a catalog item (offer) is purchased by or for a group, and one or more group members have open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When an offer is purchased for a group (y/n)?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Subscriber Catalog Item (Offer) Cancelations Controls whether a notification is sent after a catalog item (offer) is purchased by or for a group, and one or more group members have open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When an offer is cancelled for a subscriber(y/n)?

Important: If you answer n to this question, notifications are disabled globally for group purchases. You must answer y to this question to enable notifications on group purchases and also set the GroupReAuthPreference field value for a specific group with the SubMan APIs. For more information about setting the GroupReAuthPreference field value, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.
Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Group Catalog Item (Offer) Cancelations Controls whether a notification is sent after a catalog item (offer) is canceled by or for a group, and one or more group members has open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When an offer is cancelled for a group (y/n)?

Important: If you answer n to this question, notifications (RARs for Gy) are disabled globally for group cancelations. You must answer y to this question to enable notifications on group cancelations and also set the GroupReAuthPreference field value for a specific group with the SubMan APIs. For more information about setting the GroupReAuthPreference field value, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.
Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Subscriber or Device Status Change Controls whether a notification is sent after the status of a subscription or device has changed, and the subscription or device has open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When the status of a subscriber or a device is changed (y/n)?

Gy and 5G Charging — Session Inactivity Period Sets a time interval, in seconds, for how long a session remains idle until a notification is sent.

For example, if a Gy RAR on quota expiration is enabled, after the quota has expired, a RAR is sent. If an RAA is received, from this point onward, the session inactivity period for session_expiration_time_in_seconds, the session is considered expired. A RAR is sent and, if multiple RAR retries are performed without receiving another RAA, the session is deleted without waiting for session_expiration_time_in_seconds.

As another example, if a notification (for example, a Gy RAR) on quota expiration is disabled and a session has been inactive for the amount of time specified for this parameter, the session is considered expired and is removed.

A Gy RAR is sent and after multiple RAR retries without receiving a RAA, the session is deleted. So no RAR is sent before session is expired in this case. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after the most recent activity before the first attempt?

Notifications for Gy and 5G Charging — Group Status Change Controls whether a notification is sent after the status of a group has changed, and one or more group members has open sessions. question: Global:Session:Charging:Notify:When the status of a group is changed (y/n)?
Important: If you answer n to this question, RARs are disabled globally for group status changes. You must answer y to this question to enable RARs on group status changes and also set the GroupReAuthPreference field value for a specific group with the SubMan APIs. For more information about setting the GroupReAuthPreference field value, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.

Global Pay Now Parameters

Table 4. Global Pay Now Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Pay Now — Auto Recharge Sets the amount of time before the start of a cycle period to submit an automatic recharge request. If the answer is 0, this feature is disabled. question: Global:How long (in minutes) prior to the start of a cycle period should an automatic recharge request be submitted?

Note: If you set the recurring recharge time far in advance of the time that recurring processing occurs, it is possible that an event can occur that uses the funds from the recharge before recurring processing occurs. This causes recurring processing to fail.
Pay Now — Auto Recharge Sets the time range that determines the cycles with recurring charges that are aggregated so that only one recharge request is submitted.

If the answer is 0, only recurring charges due for cycles with exactly the same start time are aggregated. question: Global:What is the time range (in minutes) to aggregate all charges due during automatic recurring recharge processing?

Pay Now — Auto Recharge Sets whether the current balance amount of all prepaid currency balance instances that are of the same class as the prepaid main balance are deducted from the recurring amount. question: Global:Should the current balance amount of all prepaid currency balance instances that are of the same class as the prepaid main balance be deducted from the recurring amount during automatic recurring recharge processing (y/n)?

If the answer is n, the following question is asked.

Pay Now — Auto Recharge Sets whether the current balance amount of prepaid currency balance instances that are of the same class as the prepaid main balance is deducted from the recurring amount. question: Global:Should the current balance amount of prepaid actual currency balance instances that are of the same class as the prepaid main balance be deducted from the recurring amount during automatic recurring recharge processing (y/n)?

If the answer is n, the following question is asked.

Pay Now — Auto Recharge Determines whether the current prepaid main balance amount is deducted from the recurring amount. question: Global:Should the current prepaid main balance amount be deducted from the recurring amount during automatic recurring recharge processing (y/n)?

Pay Now — Auto Recharge Indicates if the Automatic Retry of Recurring Recharge feature is enabled or disabled. The feature is disabled by default. question: Global:How long (in minutes) after the start of a failed cycle period should an automatic recharge retry request be submitted?

Pay Now — Payment Data Retention Determines the number of days that payment data is retained. question: Global:How long (in days) should payment data be retained before being purged from the system?

Pay Now — Deferred Payment Settlement Specifies the amount of time in hours before the MATRIXX Engine either requests the payment settlement or voids the payment settlement as determined by the deferred settlement default action. If a value is specified in the purchase request, it overrides this value. question: Global: What is the default timeout for deferred settlement?

Pay Now — Deferred Payment Settlement Specifies what happens when the deferred settlement timeout is triggered. At any point after the purchase, but before requesting a settlement and before the timeout, clients can void a payment authorization using the subscription refund payment or group refund payment SubMan APIs. If a value is specified in the purchase request, it overrides this value. question: Global: What is the default action at deferred settlement timeout (void/settle)?


Global Policy Parameters

Table 5. Global Policy Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Notification Retry Attempts Sets the maximum number of notification attempts that try to obtain an answer. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How many attempts?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Index Gx Sessions? If you answer n to the following question, an Rx AAR-I must include a device identifier such as the IMSI or MSISDN. If you answer y, an Rx AAR-I can omit the device identifier, but it must include the exact same address or prefix value as an existing Gx session and the device associated with that session will be used. question: Global:Session:Policy:Index Gx session by Framed-IP-Address/Framed-IPv6-Prefix value so that initial Rx AAR with the same value can locate the device (y/n)?

(3G, 4G, 5G) — Gx RAR Event-Trigger Behavior ACCESS_NETWORK_INFO_REPORT is a one-time specific action that might be requested by any Rx AAR and that results in a one-time Rx RAR for that request. In both cases, the Rx RAR includes the requested data and the Specific-Action values indicating which of the requested data was included.

By default, the PCRF obtains this data by sending Gx RARs to the PCEF including Event-Trigger AVPs with values for the data requested by Rx, in addition to any values provided by the PCC rule provision procedure, which would then trigger Gx CCRs to add or update the requested data. This might be overridden for Specific-Action value CHARGING_CORRELATION_EXCHANGE by answering y to the following question: question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:Propagate CHARGING_CORRELATION_EXCHANGE from Rx Specific-Action to Gx Event-Trigger (y/n)?

If you answer y (the default), a Gx RAR with Event-Trigger value CHARGING_CORRELATION_EXCHANGE is sent to request charging correlation data. An answer of n neither sends a Gx RAR for this purpose nor includes this value in a Gx RAR sent for other purposes, although PCEF configuration might allow the MATRIXX PCRF to continue to receive Gx CCRs with that data and then send Rx RARs with that data.

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Look Ahead Interval Sets a time interval, in minutes, for the policy look ahead time. The default is 1440 (1 day). Set this to 0 to disable the look ahead window. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in minutes) is the policy evaluation look ahead time?

Note: When set to 0, there is no pending policy.

For more information about look-ahead windows, see the discussions about look-ahead windows for Sy policies and look-ahead windows for Gx policies in MATRIXX Policy.

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Include Rule-Activation-Time AVP with Gx Messages This setting takes effect if a look-ahead window is configured using the "Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Look Ahead Interval" parameter. Specifies whether to always include the Rule-Activation-Time AVP in Gx credit control and re-authorization messages with PCC rules. For details, see the discussion about look-ahead window for Gx messages in MATRIXX Policy. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Include the Rule-Activation-Time for a PCC rule to always be included in Gx messages (y/n)?

Note: If you answer n to this question, you must answer the Gx Rule-Activation-Time Time Range question.
Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Enable Configure if current or pending policies determine the ApnAggregateMaxBitrate upload and download values sent by the MATRIXX PCRF in Gx CCA/RAR messages: question:Global:Session:Policy:Notify:What rules will be referred to by APN Qos-Information values (current/pending)?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Send Only Changed Counters For an Sy and N28 spending-limit notification, you can configure if only the policy counters that have changed since the last notification are sent. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Send only the changed policy counters in the SNR? (y/n)?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Include only Changed Counters in Change Event Policy change EDRs (MtxPolicyChangeEvent) include lists of previous and current policy profile information and previous and current policy counter information (the counter ID and its status). To include only the changed counter information in the current counter list, answer y to this question: Global:Contain only the changed policy counters in the policy event for Sy policy (y/n)? n
Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Gx Rule-Activation-Time Time Range Enter a time interval, in seconds, between 0 and 60.
This setting takes effect if:
  • Policy look-ahead is enabled for Gx with the "Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Look Ahead Interval" parameter, and
  • The "Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Include Rule-Activation-Time AVP with Gx Messages" parameter is set to n.
The Rule-Activation-Time AVP is not sent with Gx credit control or re-authorization messages if:
  • Its value is older than the current system time, or
  • Its value is within the time range specified with this setting and the current system time.
For more about Gx policy look-ahead behavior, see the discussion about look-ahead window for Gx messages in MATRIXX Policy. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) is the time range within which the Rule-Activation-Time for a PCC rule should not be included in Gx messages?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Trigger Delay Interval Sets the delay time to trigger the policy re-evaluation. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in minutes) is the delay time to trigger the policy re-evaluation?

If you set this value to 0, the delay trigger time is determined by the question:

Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to randomize the delay of policy re-evaluation?

You cannot set the answers to both questions to 0.

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Enable Gx RAR Support for Groups Controls Gx RAR message support for groups of 10 or fewer subscriptions. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Enable immediate group Gx policy checking for small groups (y/n)?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Unanswered Requests Interval Sets a time interval, in seconds, to wait before sending another notification if the earlier notification was not answered. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after each attempt?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Randomized Notification Time Specifies a range used to generate a random delay (within the configured range) when sending SNRs for inactive Sy or Nchf_SpendingLimitControl sessions. The default range of 0 seconds specifies no delay when sending SNRs. More sessions require a larger range. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to randomize the delay for sending Sy status notification?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Re-evaluation Delay Interval Sets a time interval, in seconds, to randomize the delay of policy re-evaluation. The randomized delay is used to avoid packet storms. Zero seconds means no delay is needed. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to randomize the delay of policy re-evaluation?

If you set this value to 0, you cannot set the answer to the following question to 0: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in minutes) is the delay time to trigger the policy re-evaluation?.

For more information about answering this question, see the discussion about randomizing message timing.

For more information about look-ahead windows, see the discussions about look-ahead windows for Sy policies and look-ahead windows for Gx policies in MATRIXX Policy.

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Gx Rule Installation Failure When the answer to the following question is y, installation failures of policy rules unknown to the PCEF are handled by MATRIXX PCRF for the following scenarios:
  • Rule-Failure-Code=UNKNOWN_RULE_NAME(0) in response to CCA (rules pulled by PCEF).
  • Rule-Failure-Code=UNKNOWN_RULE_NAME(0) in response to RAR (rules pushed by PCRF). question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Enable graceful handling of Gx rule installation failures (y/n)?

For more information, see the discussion about policy rule installation failure handling in MATRIXX Policy.

Policy (3G/4G) — Revalidation Time Sets the maximum interval, in minutes, between when a Gx CCA message or a Gx RAR message is sent to the Revalidation-Time in Gx CCA, and the Gx RAR messages is determined by the global.gx_maximum_revalidation_interval_in_minutes parameter. question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in minutes) is the maximum time interval from the message time to the Revalidation-Time in Gx CCA and RAR messages?

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx Notification Attempts Sets the maximum number of notification attempts to try to get an answer in an Rx session. The default value is 1 try, which is also the minimum setting. No maximum setting exists. question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:How many attempts?

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx Unsupported Specific Actions Answer y to the following question so that MATRIXX Policy Application responds without an error to unsupported Specific-Action AVPs: Global:Session:Application:Notify:Allow unsupported Rx Specific-Actions (y/n)?

When disabled, the PCRF responds with an error. When enabled, the PCRF accepts and acknowledges the message, but does not handle the unsupported action.

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx Unanswered Notification Interval Sets an interval, in seconds, for how long to wait before sending another notification if the most recent notification was not answered. The default is 15; the minimum is 1, and the maximum is 86400. question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after each attempt?

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx-Gx Abort-Cause Mapping Determines whether to allow MATRIXX Policy Application to correlate Rx-to-Gx Abort-Cause value mapping. A value of y enables the correlation, which if returned by one interface, triggers an update to the session status across the other interface: question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Enable mapping of Gx Rule-Failure-Code to Rx Abort-Cause (y/n)?

For a list of the Rx-to-Gx Abort-Cause value mapping, see the discussion about Rx application sessions in MATRIXX Policy.

Policy (3G/4G) —Default Event Triggers If an event trigger set is empty when sending any Gx CCA or RAR, you can configure MATRIXX Policy Application to include NO_EVENT_TRIGGER in the message. Answer y to the question: question: Global:Session:Policy:Notify:Send NO_EVENT_TRIGGER in Gx CCA/RAR messages when no Event Triggers are configured?

Policy (3G/4G) — Check for NetLoc Support Determines if MATRIXX Policy Application checks if the associated policy session has sent a compatible NetLoc Supported-Feature before sending a request for access network information. An Rx AAR containing a request for access network information is permitted if NetLoc is supported. If you do not use NetLoc, disable the compatibility check so that the access network information request is sent to the PCEF. question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:Check the policy session supports the NetLoc feature before sending a request for access network information?

Policy (3G/4G) —Sh Session Unanswered Notification Interval Sets a time interval (in seconds) to wait before sending another notification if the preceding notification was not answered. question: Global:Session:Repository:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after each attempt?

Policy (3G/4G) — Sy Unknown Policy Counter Response Determines how a policy counter requested in an SLR that does not exist in any of the selected policy profiles (an unknown policy counter) is handled. question: What is the operator configured policy counter status?

If you do not define the policy counter status, requests are rejected that have unknown policy counters with the Result-Code set to DIAMETER_ERROR_UNKNOWN POLICY_COUNTERS=5570. The FailedPolicyCounterIdList in the MtxDiamSySLMsg MDC includes the unknown policy counter identifiers. If the request is an SLR-I, the Sy session is not created. If the request is an SLR-U, the changes in the request are not applied, but the Sy session is maintained.

Note: If no policy counter is selected during policy evaluation, an Sy SNR message with SN-REQUEST-TYPE=1 is sent to notify the PCRF to delete the session. After receiving an SNA and STR, the session is deleted.

Global Session Parameters

Global Session Management Configuration Parameters describes the global session management parameters.
Table 6. Global Session Management Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Maximum Number of Active Sessions Per Device Sets the maximum number of open sessions allowable on one device, at one time. If an event results in an attempt to create more sessions than are allowed by the configuration, an error is returned and the total number of sessions is logged. The maximum number of sessions is 150. question: Global:How many active sessions are allowed per device?

Device — Enable Recycling / Lockout question: Global:Do you want to enable session recycling and lockout on a device once the individual session type limit on that device has been reached (y/n)?

Configure Time after the Last RAR to Tear Down a Session Specifies how long to wait after the last RAR entry to wait before tearing down a session. question: Global:How long after the last RAR retry should the session be torn down?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Session Inactivity Period Sets a time interval, in seconds, that a session can remain idle until a re-authorization answer notification is received.

Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after the most recent activity before the first attempt?

Policy (3G/4G) — Delete Session after Abort Request Sets the time to wait in seconds to delete a policy session after an abort request.

Global:Session:Policy:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait to delete a policy session after the session abort request is sent?

Policy (3G/4G) — Sh Session Retry Attempts Sets the maximum number of notification attempts to try and obtain an answer in an Sh session. question: Global:Session:Repository:Notify:How many attempts?

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx Session Custom Bandwidth Bandwidth values can be customized and applied to Gx flows based on different combinations of attributes included in the Rx message. To customize Rx session bandwidth, you must answer y to the following questions.

Answer y to enable Gx policy selection determined by the Rx AAR message contents: question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:Enable Rx message normalization (y/n)?

Answer y to extend Diameter AVP capabilities to the Rx application: question: Diameter:Do you want to add Diameter AVPs to any packets defined in the Rx application (y/n)?

Policy (3G/4G) — Diameter Rx Session Open Interval Sets a time interval, in seconds, for how long a session remains idle until a notification is sent. The default is 172800 (48 hours), and the acceptable range is 1 to 2419200. question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:How long (in seconds) to wait after the most recent activity before the first attempt?
Note: This question is not applicable when using an external PCRF.
Policy (3G/4G) —Rx Session Retention Out-of-the-box, when a Gx Session fails, the PCRF initiates termination of an associated Rx session by sending an Rx ASR to the AF. Answer y to the following question to keep the Rx session if the associated Gx session fails: question: Global:Session:Application:Notify:Keep application session on policy session failure(y/n)?

Policy — Limit Sy Sessions When the answer to the following question is n, when a request for an Sy session on a device is received, MATRIXX Engine looks for an existing Sy session on that device, if it does not find one, it attempts to create a new session.

If an existing session is found, the MATRIXX Engine determines if the session ID of the new request matches the session ID of the existing session. If they match, a new session is created. question: Global:Do you want to limit the number of Sy (Policy) sessions per device with the same session Id to 1?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Maximum Number of Sessions per Device Sets the maximum number of open policy sessions allowable on one device, at one time. If an event results in an attempt to create more sessions than are allowed by the configuration, an error is returned and the total number of sessions is logged. The maximum number of sessions is 50. question: Global:How many active policy sessions are allowed per device?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Limit Reuse Policy Sessions Specifies how many times session recycling occurs for policy sessions. The maximum number of sessions is 50. question: Global:What is the limit on policy sessions to reuse when the policy session limit per device is reached?

Policy (3G, 4G, 5G) — Lockout Time Limit Specifies how long session lockout lasts for policy sessions. When lockout reaches the time limit, the recycling counter is reset and recycling continues. The maximum is 600 seconds. question: Global:What is the time-limit on locking-out policy sessions when the policy session limit per device is reached?

Diameter Gy — Cancel Session if Sy Session Failed By default, Gy sessions are not aborted when an Sy session is removed. You can configure the MATRIXX Engine to cancel any Gy sessions for the same device if you answer y to this system configuration question. If you answer y, the MATRIXX Engine sends an Abort-Session-Request (ASR) message to the GGSN for all Gy sessions on the same device. After the MATRIXX Engine receives a Gy CC-Term message that reports any additional usage and closes the Gy session, the MATRIXX Engine removes the Gy session. Gy sessions are aborted only if the session receiving the Sy SNA with a result code other than 2001 SUCCESS is the only remaining Sy session on the device.
Enabling this question does not terminate 5G charging sessions, nor does it try to terminate Gy sessions when a 5G spending-limit notification response indicates failure.
Note: ASR messages are sent for all Ro charging sessions (voice and data). question: Global:Should Gy sessions be terminated when Sy SNA indicates failure (y/n)?

CAUTION: MATRIXX Support recommends that you do not set this question to y. For more information, contact your MATRIXX Support representative.
No default entry
Charging — Maximum Number of Sessions per Device Sets the maximum number of open charging sessions allowed on one device, at one time. If an event results in an attempt to create more sessions than are allowed by the configuration, an error is returned and the total number of charging sessions is logged. The maximum number of sessions is 100. question: Global:How many active charging sessions are allowed per device?

Charging — Limit Reuse Charging Sessions

Specifies how many times session recycling occurs for charging sessions. The maximum number of sessions is 50. question: Global:What is the limit on charging sessions to reuse when the charging session limit per device is reached?

Charging — Lockout Time Limit Specifies how long session lockout lasts for charging sessions. When lockout reaches the time limit, the recycling counter is reset and recycling continues. The maximum is 600 seconds. question: Global:What is the time-limit on locking-out charging sessions when the charging session limit per device is reached?

Application — Maximum Number of Sessions per Device Sets the maximum number of open application sessions allowable on one device, at one time. If an event results in an attempt to create more sessions than are allowed by the configuration, an error is returned and the total number of sessions is logged. The maximum number of sessions is 75. question: Global:How many active application sessions are allowed per device?

Application — Limit Reuse Application Sessions Specifies how many times session recycling occurs for application sessions. The maximum count is 50. Global:What is the limit on application sessions to reuse when the application session limit per device is reached? 5
Application — Lockout Time Limit Specifies how long session lockout lasts for application sessions. When lockout reaches the time limit, the recycling counter is reset and recycling continues. The maximum is 600 seconds. Global:What is the time-limit on locking-out application sessions when the application session limit per device is reached? 1
TCAP — Maximum Number of Sessions per Device Sets the maximum number of open TCAP sessions allowable on one device, at one time. If an event results in an attempt to create more sessions than are allowed by the configuration, an error is returned and the total number of sessions is logged. The maximum number of sessions is 50. question: Global:How many active tcap sessions are allowed per device?


Global Tax Parameters

Table 7. Global Tax Configuration Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Enable U. S. Taxes To Be Collected for Applicable Charges Indicates whether U. S. taxation is enabled for the domain. If you answer y, U. S. taxes are collected for applicable charges. For more information, see the discussion about U. S. taxation in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating. question: Global:Is US taxation enabled (y/n)?

Configure the Number of Tax Objects To Size the Configuration This question is only asked if you answer y to Global:Is US taxation enabled (y/n)?

Specifies the number of tax objects to support to size the configuration. The minimum value is 0. question: How many tax objects do you want to support?

Configure Maximum Number of Rounds Used in the Tax-on-Tax Calculation This question is only asked if you answer y to Global:Is US taxation enabled (y/n)?

Sets the maximum number of rounds used in the tax-on-tax calculation. The minimum value is 0, the maximum value is 5. When set to 0, no tax-on-tax is calculated. question: Global:How many rounds of Tax On Tax should be calculated?

Configure the Average Size of a Tax Object To Size the Configuration This question is only asked if you answer y to Global:Is US taxation enabled (y/n)?

Specifies the average size of a tax object, in bytes. The minimum value is 0. question: What is the average size of a tax object in bytes?

Note: This and the preceding tax database sizing question calculate the initial segment size. As more tax objects are loaded, more segments are allocated. MATRIXX Support recommends using the default values.
Configure Whether Fees Exceeding a Discounted or Prorated Charge Are Charged to the Provider This question is only asked if you answer y to Global:Is US taxation enabled (y/n)?

Specifies whether fees exceeding a discounted or prorated charge should be charged to the provider. When enabled, if a discount or proration causes the total fees to exceed the tax inclusive charge, all fees are charged to the provider. question:

Global:Should tax inclusive fees exceeding a prorated or discounted charge be paid by the provider (y/n)?