Discount Component Selection
Apply the scope of a discount to a product offer to determine the charges to which the discount is applied. For example, select Any Purchased Items of Owner to apply discounts to charges from all purchased items owned by the event initiator. In addition to offers owned by the event initiator, you can enable discount pricing components to be selected from offers owned by the group, subscriber, or device.
By default, the discount components from a product offer are applicable for the same product offer in the same purchased item. During configuration, you can enable enhanced hierarchy scope
by answering y to the following
question:Global:Should the discount components from a product offer for a
particular operation (e.g. purchase, usage, recurring, cancel, etc.) be applicable for selected PurchasedItems in the hierarchy (y/n)?
Options to Apply Scope
The scope for discount includes charges from selected purchased items for different members in the hierarchy. Discount scoping is specified as part of the product offer definition.
- Same Product Offer — Applies discounts to charges from the same product offer in the same purchased item.
- Same Purchased Item — Applies discounts only to charges from the same purchased item.Note: This applies to multiple product offers with discounts in a bundle.
- Any Offer in Purchase Package — This applies discounts to charges from the same purchase package.Note: The discount component is applicable only to charges generated by the purchased items in that purchase package. If there are multiple purchases in a multi-request, discount components from one purchase package are not applied to other purchase packages.
- Any Purchased Items of Owner — Applies discounts to charges from all purchased items owned by the event initiator. The charge owner and discount Owner are the same in the hierarchy.
- Any Purchased Items of Owner or Descendants — Applies discounts to charges from any purchased item at or below the purchased item hierarchy (for example, descendants). The charge owner is at or below the discount owner in the hierarchy.
- Any Purchased Items of Owner, Descendants or Ancestors (applies to usage charges only) — Applies discounts to usage charges from any purchased item in the hierarchy,
including ancestors above, and descendants below, in the purchased item hierarchy. The usage charge owner and discount owner can be at any level in the hierarchy.Note: Subscriber-owned discounts can affect group-owned charges.
- Global
- Group
- Subscriber
- Device
For information about selecting the discount component scope, see the discussion about configuring product offer general properties in My MATRIXX Help.
You can perform a query to determine the discount component
scope of an active offer or bundle. For the REST API, use the DiscountComponentScope
flag in the MtxRequestPricingQueryOffer call. For information about using
MATRIXX APIs for querying active offers and bundles, see the discussion about pricing APIs in MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.