External Payment Processing

When the system is configured with Automatic Recurring Recharge, recurring charges can be collected before the cycle renewal time. If the balance template has Create External Payment Request selected, external payment requests are generated before the cycle renewal time. If the payments are received before the cycle renewal time, they are reserved until cycle renewal time and used to pay for the recurring charges.

For a prepaid balance, when the system is configured with Automatic Recurring Recharge and Create External Payment Request is selected on the balance template, a product offer or bundle containing a catalog item with recurring charges is activated and the initial recurring charges are on account, with subsequent recurring charges paid through external payments.

For prepaid external payments, if the payment is received for intervals that have ended, the external payment record status changes to VOID and an error "Modification of external payment denied as cycleEndDate has passed for paymentRequest" displays, and the payment request resource ID is returned.

An MtxExternalPaymentRequestEvent Event Detail Records (EDRs) is generated on a postpaid balance with the Create External Payment Request attribute upon a charge to initiate payment collection. If the system is configured for Automatic Recurring Recharge, an MtxExternalPaymentRequestEvent EDR is generated on a balance with the Create External Payment Request attribute before the new cycle start time so that payments can be received and the recurring charges are successfully applied to the balance. After processing an MtxExternalPaymentRequestEvent EDR, the external system should make an MtxSubscriberModifyExternalPayment or MtxRequestGroupModifyExternalPayment SubMan API call once the payment is collected.

An MtxExternalPaymentFailureEvent event is generated when there is a failure to collect payment. The External Payment Request record status changes to VOID if the balance is prepaid, or the balance is postpaid with payment request for an upcoming recurring renewal.

If an offer is canceled or suspended before the cycle renewal time, the credit is forfeited, and an MtxExternalPaymentEvent EDR is generated for payment receipt, and then an MtxForfeitureEvent EDR is generated for cancel forfeiture. For more information about cancelation, see the discussion about cancelation and expiration.