Add Balances

Use the Balances tab to set up a debt balance on a service contract offer revision.

About this task

If you do not add required balances to an offer, all balances in the subscriber or device wallet are candidates for recurring rating, first-use pricing, and granting. This is true even if the balances came from a completely unrelated product offer.

The primary balance is used to help calculate the offer product priority, which determines which product offer is used to rate an event. See the discussion about product offers priority generators for information about the other priority components that determine the offer priority.


  1. In Edit Offer Revision offer_name, click the Balances tab.
  2. In Debt Balances, click New Debt Balance.
  3. In Create New Debt Balance, select:
    1. (Required) Click in Balance Class to select a balance class.
    2. (Required) Click in Balance Name to select a balance.
      A debt balance is a simple, postpaid actual currency balance and cannot be based on a main balance template. For more information, see the discussion about debt balances and debt balance validation in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating. To sort debt balances by recurring processing priority, you must set the Priority in the Cycle Data tab. If no priority is provided, the priority defaults to zero and debt balances are not sorted.
    3. Select the Debt Type as Fee, Purchase, or Recurring.
      Note: There can be only one debt balance for each Debt Type.
    4. From Write Off Policy, select None (default), Cycle, Specific Time, or Expired.
      Note: Purchase debt can be configured with a write-off policy of None, Specific Time, or Expired. Recurring debt can be configured with a write-off policy of None, Cycle, or Expired. Fee debt can be configured with a write-off policy of None, Cycle, or Expired. For more information, see the discussion about debt balance and recurring write-off policy in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.
    5. If you selected Specific Time as the Write Off Policy, enter the interval value in Write Off Interval, and select the unit from the Write Off Units drop-down menu as Minutes (default), Hours, Days, Weeks, or Months.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Click Save.
    The balances are saved to the revision.