The following information describes the My MATRIXX interface.
My MATRIXX Help provides information about My MATRIXX, a web application that offers a central location for creating pricing plans and configuring MATRIXX charging and rating behaviors. My MATRIXX is intended for pricing administrators who are responsible for creating and maintaining pricing plans and for IT administrators or developers who configure the rating and charging behavior of the online charging system.
My MATRIXX is a web application you use to create pricing plans and configure features of MATRIXX that drive runtime charging and policy behavior.
Access the primary My MATRIXX interfaces from the My MATRIXX home page.
Some My MATRIXX interfaces provide list screens that contain the items that have been created or configured for that interface. For example, the list screen for event types lists all event type objects. Lists are in table format with column headings. You can sort items in a list, filter items in a list, and set how many items to display in a list. For example, you can sort event types by their object ID in ascending or descending order and you can search for a normalizer template in a list based on the normalizer template Description value. Certain columns within the tables of the My MATRIXX interfaces support sorting. Any sortable column is indicated by a sort icon next to the column header.
My MATRIXX allows you to configure which columns are displayed and the column order for most data tables. The customized columns are persistent. If the text in an optional column cannot be shown in full, ellipses display at the end of the text. Mouse over the table cell to display the full text.
You can use colors in My MATRIXX to identify rating parameters in rate tables.
When deleting a user, you are asked to confirm the deletion by default. This default confirmation can be disabled.
You can configure the AJAX timeout for My MATRIXX. This is how long the UI waits for a response for a request from the pod before it gives up. The default is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds).
My MATRIXX users can update environments using the following methods:
You use My MATRIXX to validate and compile the pricing configuration file, compile pricing, and set up and manage user roles and domains; create and manage catalog items and catalogs, manage eligibility features and rules, and manage the Normalizers interface; create and manage balances, pricing, offers and bundles, general components, and application-related components; and policies for charging and rating. Use General Configuration to create components that support pricing items and charging functionality such as announcements pricing components, attribute definitions, denial codes, products, decision tables, Final Unit Indication (FUI) profiles and generators, general ledger transaction types, notification profiles, normalizer templates, and subscriber information query actions, profiles, and generators.
The following information describes the tasks that can be performed using the My MATRIXX Home menu.
Catalog Configuration contains the Catalog Items interface that you use to create, change, or delete catalog items; the Eligibility interface to manage eligibility features and rules to determine whether a subscriber, group, or device is eligible for a catalog item; and the Normalizers interface you use to edit normalizers.
Charging Configuration has the interfaces you use to create and manage balance, pricing, product offer and bundle, general, and application-related components.
Policy configuration components are used by MATRIXX Charging Application and MATRIXX Policy Application for charging and rating.