Daily Component Values

You can create a composite meter that includes a daily component value for each day of the defined meter period.

Daily component values can be used independently or used with components that are based on fields and aggregation selectors. When daily component values are used without fields and aggregation selectors, one component value is generated for each day of a meter period. The sum of all daily values within a meter period always equals the composite value. When daily component values are used together with components based on fields and aggregation selectors, the meter generates a separate value for each day and a cumulative total for the meter period for an aggregation grouping. The sum of the daily values always equals the cumulative total for the period, and the sum of all the cumulative totals for each aggregation grouping always equals the composite value.

The cycle period for a composite meter must be expressed in units of days or higher, not in minutes or hours. The time-of-day boundary for daily component values is the same as the time-of-day boundary for the composite meter cycle; each per-day component always falls entirely within one meter period.

You can define a two-dimensional set of meter values to represent the metered quantity. For example, define a meter on international data usage, segregated by country with aggregate usage per day and per month. In this example, Subscriber A travels between France, Switzerland, Austria, and Germany during a one-month period (Period 1). Figure 1 shows Subscriber A's peak and off-peak usage by country for Period 1.

Figure 1. International Data Usage Period 1
International data usage for period 1

In this example, the composite meter also measures the daily sub periods by country and data usage. Figure 2 shows Subscriber A's peak and off-peak usage by country for each sub period in Period 1.

Figure 2. Daily International Data Usage
International data usage segregated by country and aggregated per day