Create an Announcement Detail

Create an announcement detail to specify the details of an announcement to play, such as the message ID of the announcement and the server ID of the Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system to use for playing the announcement.

Before you begin

Unless already configured:
  • Define the announcement server to assign to the announcement details.
  • Define the language code for the language to use when playing the announcement.
  • For variable announcements, define any new announcement variables that are needed.


  1. In Announcements, on the Details tab, click New Details.
  2. In Create New Detail:
    1. In Name, enter a unique name.
      Note: You must specify a name that is unique across all the following types of actions:
      • Announcement details
      • Announcement menu actions
      • Call out actions
      • Data modify actions
    2. (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about the item.
    3. (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
    4. Click Create.
  3. In Start Date/Time, use the date picker to select the date on which the object becomes active in the Pricing database and is first available for use, or enter the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Optionally, enter a time for when the object becomes active. The default start date/time is 2000–01–01 00:00:00. If applicable, the range in which the start date/time must fall is listed. For example:
    • Select a date on or before 2021–12–01.
    • Select a date on or after 2020–01–27.
    • Select a date between 2000–01–02 and 2021–10–04.
    Note: If you are creating a new revision of this object, the start date/time must be after the start date/time of the preceding revision and before the start date/time of the next revision. If you are making a copy of this object, the start date/time is not copied. The new object is the first revision, so it has the default start date/time of 2000–01–01 00:00:00.
  4. In Language, select the language to use for playing the announcement.
  5. In Announcement Server, select the name of the announcement server to use to play the announcement.
    For Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) announcements, performed using the Diameter protocol, select the VoLTE announcement server. Otherwise, select an appropriate Camel announcement server.
  6. In Message ID, specify the elementary message ID for the announcement on the announcement server.
    When you first click in the Message ID field, the list of already entered message ID values is displayed. You can select a previous value from the list.
  7. In Timeout in Seconds, specify the number of seconds before the announcement times out.
    When you first click in the Timeout in Seconds field, the list of already entered timeout values is displayed. You can select a previous value from the list.
  8. In Announcement URI, specify a string value to be used as an announcement reference. The Announcement URI is used for 5G services only.
  9. If you want the announcement to include variables, select the Is Variable Announcement check box.
    The Variable List table is displayed and the Add Variable option is enabled. You can add up to five variables. Each variable must be based on a field in the MtxDiamRoMsg mdc, a custom extension of MtxDiamRoMsg,or a subscriber balance (using a balance class and an optional balance template).
  10. To add a variable:
    1. Click Add Variable.
    2. In Select Announcement Variable, select the announcement variable you want to add from the list, and click Select.
    Note: The announcement variable type must match the type of the variable in the announcement on the announcement server. For more information about announcement variables and variable types, see the discussion of announcement components in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.
  11. To delete a variable from the Variables List, click Delete Icon next to the variable you want to delete, and click Yes to confirm.
    The variable is removed from the list.
  12. Click Save to save your changes.
  13. To change the order in which variables are listed in the Variable List table, click and drag a variable to a new position in the list, and then click Save.
    Note: Variables are substituted in announcements in list order, therefore the sequence of variable types in the announcement details is important, and must match the sequence of the variable types in the announcement on the announcement server.
  14. (Optional) Click New Revision to create a new revision of this announcement.