Announcement Prompt Collect Properties

You define parameters for the PromptAndCollectUserInformation (PACUI) operation that can be sent in TCAP messages on the Announcements Prompt Collects tab. You can configure the following prompt collect properties.

Table 1. Announcement Prompt Collect Properties
Property Description
Name A unique name for the announcement prompt collect record. The prompt collect record defines parameters for collecting digits from the subscriber when playing announcements.
Description Information about the purpose of collecting user information.
External ID An optional field that can be set on MATRIXX pricing objects.
Min Digit Count The minimum number of digits to collect, in the range 1 to 30. Defaults to 1.
Max Digit Count The maximum number of digits to collect, in the range 1 to 30.
End of Reply Digit Specifies a maximum of two digits that indicate the end of user input. Digits can be in the range 0 to 9, *, and #.
Cancel Digit Specifies a maximum of two digits that will be used to indicate that the user wants to cancel collection of the currently entered digits and try again. Digits can be in the range 0 to 9, *, and #.
Start Digit Specifies the digits that indicate the start of valid input. If other digits are received before the start digits are received, they are discarded as invalid. Digits can be in the range 0 to 9, *, and #.
First Digit Timeout In Seconds Specifies the maximum time period allowed, in seconds, to enter the first digit.
Inter-Digit Timeout In Seconds Specifies the maximum time period allowed, between each successful valid or invalid digit.
Error Treatment Specifies the action that should be taken by the SRF (INAP protocol) or gsmSRF (CAP4 protocol) if an error condition occurs. Valid values are:
  • 0 = stdErrorAndInfo

    If an error occurs, return an "ImproperCallerResponse" error to the gsmSCF (CCF in this case).

  • 1 = help

    If an error occurs, play the default announcement configured for the announcement server.

  • 2 = repeatPrompt

    If an error occurs, repeat the prompt only once.

Interruptable Announcement Check box to select whether to interrupt the announcement after the first valid or invalid digit is received by the SRF or gsmSRF. When unselected, the announcement is not interrupted.
Use Voice Recognition Check box to specify whether user information must be provided by speech or by DTMF (dual tone multi-frequency). When selected, the voiceInformation parameter is set to 1 (true) and user information must be provided by speech. By default, Use Voice Recognition is not selected, the voiceInformation parameter is set to 0 (false), and user information must be provided by DTMF.
Announce Back Digits Entered Check box to select whether the SRF, or gsmSRF, announces the valid digits back to the user immediately after the end of input is received. By default, Voice Back is not selected and valid digits are not announced back to the user.