Configure Viewing or Deleting Sessions

MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool allows you to view or delete subscriber sessions. but this functionality is not provided in the default permissions.json file and is not included in any user role by default.

About this task

Sessions Permissions shows the permissions for viewing and deleting device sessions.
Table 1. Sessions Permissions
Permission Description
Subscriber.Devices.Sessions.VIEW Allows users to view a device's sessions. This permission is not included in any role by default.
Subscriber.Devices.Sessions.DELETE Allows users to terminate device sessions. A role that includes this permission should also include Subscriber.Devices.Sessions.VIEW or else the device-sessions section does not appear in MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool (including the delete/terminate functionality). This permission is not included in any role by default.
To enable viewing and deleting sessions:


  1. Extract the matrixxbct.jar file from the MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool image.
  2. Unpack the permissions.json file from the matrixxbct.jar file. For information about the contents of permissions.json file, see the discussion about this file in MATRIXX Security.
  3. Open the permissions.json file.
  4. To enable viewing device sessions, add the Subscriber.Devices.Sessions permissions. For example, to the MTX_ROLE_CSR_MGR role, add the following permission:
    "Subscriber.Devices.Sessions": [ "VIEW" ]
  5. To enable deleting a session, add the Subscriber.Devices.Sessions.VIEW and Subscriber.Devices.Sessions.DELETE permissions. For example, to the MTX_ROLE_ADMIN role, add the following permission:
    "Subscriber.Devices.Sessions": [ "VIEW", "DELETE" ]
  6. Save the permissions.json file.
  7. Build a configuration image using the provided template and host it in your image repository. Make sure the image unpacks permissions.json in the /opt/mtx/conf/matrixxbct directory of the MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool container. For more information about building a configuration image, see the discussion about configuration sources in MATRIXX Configuration.
    Note: The default location for permissions.json is the /opt/mtx/conf/matrixxbct folder., but you can change the location of this file by adding a flag to the matrixxbct-extensions.yaml file to specify a custom location. For example, -Dmatrixxbct.asset.location=<permissions_json_path>, where permissions_json_path is the path to the directory where the permissions.json file is located.
  8. Restart MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool and log in as an administrative user.