Configuring My MATRIXX

Configure My MATRIXX by configuring properties, setting up a pricing repository, configuring authentication, and importing or exporting third-party pricing data.

The configuration steps for My MATRIXX are:
  1. Configure the My MATRIXX properties by adding settings to the matrixx.yaml file and creating a mymatrixx-extensions.yaml file to specify additional settings.
  2. Configure your MATRIXX deployment to provide the matrixx.yaml file using a ConfigMap or configuration source. For more information, see the discussion about configuring MATRIXX gateways and web apps and the example of providing the matrixx.yaml file using a ConfigMap-type configuration source.
  3. Set up a pricing repository, which includes pricing domains, pricing plans, and user definitions that determine what users are authorized to log in to the My MATRIXX UI and where the workspaces for the users are located.
  4. Customize and configure authentication by using the default authentication specified in the security context file or by specifying the location of an LDAP instance to be used for authentication.
  5. Import pricing data from a third-party application or export pricing data to a third-party application.