Configure MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool Request Timeout

You can configure a request timeout for MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool. This is how long the UI waits for a response for a request from the pod before it gives up. To change this value, update the REQUEST_TIMEOUT argument to the settings.json file.


  1. Access the settings.json file located at /opt/mtx/conf/matrixxbct in the files for your configuration source. See the discussions about configuring MATRIXX web apps and the provided example for more information.
  2. Update the REQUEST_TIMEOUT argument and defining a timeout value in milliseconds. The example changes the timeout to one minute. The default is 15000 milliseconds (15 seconds).
    "REQUEST_TIMEOUT": 60000
  3. Save the file.
  4. Rebuild the configuration image and host it in your image repository.
  5. Update your Helm values file with the new tag for the image, if necessary. See the discussions about configuring MATRIXX web apps and the provided example for more information.
  6. Restart MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool.