Simulate Payment Methods

For testing purposes, you can simulate payment methods, such as Pay Now methods usage, if you are assigned the MTX_ROLE_SIMULATE role. To simulate credit card payments, MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool provides credit card icons that can be activated when you view Payment Methods for a subscriber or group.

Before you begin

To perform this task, you must configure the Payment Service on the blade where MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool is running. See the discussion about configuring the Payment Service in MATRIXX Configuration.


  1. Ensure that the /opt/mtx/conf/matrixxbct/settings.json file has the following line with PAYMENT_METHODS_ENABLED set to true (this is the default setting):
  2. Edit the permissions for the user who will simulate payment methods in the permissions.json file. By default, this file is located in the /opt/mtx/conf/matrixxbct directory. You can change the location by using -Dmatrixx.asset.location flag.
  3. Make sure that the user has the following permissions:
        "Subscriber.SimulateUsage": [ "EDIT" ]
        "Subscriber.TestPaymentMethods": [ "ADD" ],
        "Group.TestPaymentMethods": [ "ADD" ]
  4. Log in to MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool as the user with simulate payment methods permissions.
  5. Go to the Subscriber page for a subscriber for whom you want to simulate payment methods.
  6. In Additional Details, click Payment Methods.
  7. In All Payment Methods, click Add Test Payment Methods.
    Two simulated icons appear:
    • My Test Visa
    • My Test Mastercard

    Initially, My Test Visa is set as the default payment method.

    When you purchase an offer for subscribers, you can then select the test payment methods to purchase the offer.

  8. To change the default payment method or the text associated with the icon for the method, or delete a payment method, click .

    You can then specify whether the method is the default method, edit the description of the method, or delete a method

    For detailed information, see the discussions on managing subscriber and group payment methods and managing group payment methods in the MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool Help.