This section has information to help identify and resolve web app issues.
MATRIXX Web App Administration describes the tasks required to install and administer MATRIXX web apps as containers, using Docker and Kubernetes.
MATRIXX includes the following MATRIXX web apps.
In a non-containerized installation of MATRIXX, configure MATRIXX gateways and web apps using files in the /opt/mtx/conf directory in the pod(s) hosting those components. In a cloud native deployment, configuration files can be provided in the /opt/mtx/conf directory of the component container(s) using the following methods:
Configure My MATRIXX by configuring properties, setting up a pricing repository, configuring authentication, and importing or exporting third-party pricing data.
MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool can be deployed on the local host or a remote system that communicates with MATRIXX Engine through Gateway Proxy and RS Gateway.
To assist you in resolving issues with MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool, the application includes a reference ID for each page displayed in the UI. To assist in troubleshooting issues, you can capture a page where an issue has occurred and send it to MATRIXX technical support.