Adjust Group Meters

You can view group meters in the Group Summary page. You can also increase or decrease a meter and adjust the balance expiry. Composite meters are not editable.

Before you begin

The group whose meter you are adjusting must own at least one product offer.

About this task

Edit Meter displays the selected meter name, current amount of the meter, meter unit, and expiry.


  1. Click View All in Meters.
  2. In All Meters, click Edit the selected object.
    Note: You can also click Edit the selected object in the listing for a meter in the Meters panel.
  3. In Adjust Amount, click Edit the selected object and enter the following information:
    • Amount — The amount of the meter adjustment. Enter the value without specifying any units.
    • Type — The type of adjustment (Decrease or Increase).
  4. In Adjust Expiry, click Edit the selected object and either select an expiry date by clicking on the calendar icon or enter the following information:
    • Offset to current date — How much to adjust the expiry by.
    • Offset Unit — The unit for the offset adjustment (Days, Weeks, Months, or Years).
  5. (Optional) In Comment, enter a reason for the meter change.
  6. Click Submit to save the changes, or click Cancel to keep the previous details.
    If you adjusted the meter, the usage display lists the new meter amount.