Configure Bundle Level Pricing

Use the Bundle Level Pricing tab to configure single bundle pricing and define percentage (proportional) distribution for the bundle charges for each product offer. For more information about bundle price components, see the discussion about proportional charge bundles in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.

Before you begin

You must have already created the offers, and added the offers to the Offers tab. To display the Distribution section, you must add price components; if there are no price components or if the price components are deleted, the Distribution section does not display.
Note: There can be only one charge and only one discount component in a proportional charge bundle. If a product offer with charge or discount components for purchase, cancel, purchased item activation, purchased item cycle recurring, suspend, or resume is added, the components must be redefined in the bundle for these applications. Recurring discount components where Cycle is set to Any cannot be added to proportional charge bundles.


  1. In Edit Bundle Revision bundle_name, click the Bundle Level Pricing tab.
  2. In Bundle Price Components, click Add Component.
  3. In Add Price Component, select from the qualified price components, and click Add.
    Note: Add only one application-price type combination. Once a pair is added all others are filtered out. Filter the list by typing a string in the Search field. For price components with the Application type Recurring, only Cycle with Purchased Item are available for selection.
  4. In Distribution Method, select the distribution method. The choices are:
    • Distribute total — Distribute total charge, including taxes and fees.
    • Distribute base charge and taxes — Distribute base charge and taxes. Does not include fees.
    • Distribute base charge only — Distributes base charge. Does not include fees or taxes.
  5. The Offer Charge Distribution table displays the offers added to the Offers tab. Click in Charge Percent (Total: %) and enter the charge distribution percentage for each offer. Enter a decimal value between 0 and 100.
    Note: The sum of all distribution field values must be 100%. If you delete an offer from the Offers tab, and the sum of the Charge Percent fields in the Offer Charge Distribution table is not 100%, you can save your changes but an error displays and the Bundle Level Pricing tab is highlighted.
  6. Click Save.
  7. To delete a bundle price component from the list, click Delete the selected object next to the component you want to delete, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  8. To delete an offer, go to the Offers tab, and click Delete the selected object next to the offer you want to delete, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
    Note: The sum of the Charge Percent fields in the Offer Charge Distribution table must be 100%. After deleting an offer, complete step 5 for each remaining offer until the sum of charge percent values is 100%.