Create or Change a Bundle Version
Create a new version of a bundle if you need to change the bundle name, description, external ID, or purchase start or end dates.
About this task
- In Bundles, click a bundle from the list. You can filter the list by typing a string in the Search field.
- In Edit Bundle, scroll down to Bundle Versions and click New Version to create the latest new version of the bundle, or click a bundle version to modify it.
- (Optional) In Edit Bundle Version, edit any of the fields you previously specified, except the ID and External ID.
- Click in Purchase Start Date to display the calendar and select a date to make the bundle available for purchase. Leave this field empty to make the bundle take effect immediately.
- Click in Purchase End Date to display the calendar and select a date for the bundle to be unavailable for purchase. Leave this field empty to make the bundle effective indefinitely.
The new version appears in Bundle Versions.
What to do next
(Optional) Create a revision of the bundle to specify the validation date and times, add offers, and any add any custom fields. For more information, see the discussion about creating a new revision of a bundle. Click New Revision to start the process.