Paying off Finance Contract Principal

A subscriber or group can make additional principal payments or pay off the finance contract principal using an existing balance (on-account), through Pay Now, or a combination of the two.

If a subscriber or group wants to make additional principal payments or requests complete pay off of the principal amount, this can only be done through a SubMan API using the FinanceContractPrincipalPayment subscription management operation. The operation is rejected if there are late charges or arrears in the contract debt balances, or if there is an insufficient balance to pay off the principal or the credit limit is exceeded. The operation specifies the following attributes:
  • SubscriberSearchData/GroupSearchData — Data used to locate the subscriber or group.
  • ResourceId — Resource ID of the contract catalog item.
  • (Optional) IsPayoff — Flag to indicate whether it is a principal payoff. If true, then an additional principal amount is not specified.
  • (Optional) ExtraPrincipalAmount — The additional principal amount to apply. The amount is specified only if it is not a principal payoff.
  • ChargeMethodData — Charge method used for applying principal payment:
    • On account
    • Pay Now
    • Split

    For on account and split methods, the balance from the balance class specified in the contract is used. If ChargeMethodData is not specified, the payment method defined on the product offer is used.

If an additional principal payment is made, the outstanding principal amount in the contract is reduced by the amount paid, and an MtxFinanceContractPrincipalPaymentEvent Event Detail Records (EDRs) is generated. If the amount due is paid off in full, the outstanding principal amount is set to zero and no additional installment payments are processed. When the principal is paid off in full, the contract status is set based on the Termination on Early Payoff setting on the finance contract. If Termination on Early Payoff is selected on the finance contract, the contract offer status is set to Terminated through the SubMan Cancel API and there are no early termination penalties. If Termination on Early Payoff is not selected on the finance contract, the contract state is set to Paid-off. For more information about the Termination on Early Payoff setting, see the discussion about creating a finance contract in My MATRIXX Help.