Managing Pricing Domains
Use My MATRIXX to manage your pricing domains.
The following terms are used to describe the different types of pricing available in a pricing domain:
- Technical — Technical pricing includes the items in all tenants and cannot be modified on a per-tenant basis (for example, product offers, bundles, pricing components, rate tables, and balances).
- Base — Base pricing includes the commercial objects (that is, catalog items, catalogs, and eligibility rules) that are available to all tenants.
- Commercial — Commercial pricing includes all the pricing objects that can be specified on a per-tenant basis. A tenant can have their own instances of these objects that are not
shared with other tenants. Tip: Users with the Tenant Administration role can act as a particular tenant by selecting a tenant in the drop-down menu under the domain name in the header. This gives the tenant administrator access to all the commercial catalog items specific to that tenant. When a tenant administrator is acting as a particular tenant, any commercial object that they create is created with the appropriate tenant ID.
You must have the Global
role of Domain Administration to perform the following tasks:
- Add new pricing domains to the pricing repository.
- Add a shared workspace to a pricing domain.
- Import existing pricing domains into the pricing repository.
- Export pricing-domain files from user workspaces.
- Import pricing-domain files into user workspaces.
- Delete pricing domains from the pricing repository.
Users who manage pricing domains understand the following points:
- Files for pricing domains are worked on by users in their user workspaces that are located on the pod running the instance of My MATRIXX the users are logged into.
- Files for pricing domains are managed in the pricing repository (under SVN version control) where the latest versions of files for pricing domains are intended to exist.
- Multiple users working on the same pricing domains can commit their work from their user workspaces to the pricing repository and can update their user workspaces with the latest files from the pricing repository so that the work of all users can be synchronized.
- Users who work on files for pricing domains in their user workspaces have the option of exporting their changes (their modified pricing files) to a ZIP file rather than committing their changes to the pricing repository. Users might do this, for example, if they want to test their changes on another system before committing the changes to the pricing repository. They might also do this for transferring their changes from their user workspace on one instance of My MATRIXX (for example, an instance on a home laptop) to their user workspace on another instance of My MATRIXX (for example, an instance on a development pod). They would export their changes when logged into one instance and import their changes when logged into the other instance.
- When configuring the session timeout for My MATRIXX, it is automatically shorter than the domain/shared workspace idle timeout (that is, the amount of time a domain must be idle before it can be deleted). This ensures that any users within a shared workspace are logged out before a shared workspace can be deleted. By default, the session timeout is 30 minutes (1800000 ms), and the idle timeout default is 31 minutes (session timeout + 60000 ms). For more information about configuring the session timeout for My MATRIXX, see MATRIXX Web App Administration.