Edit a Recharge Schedule

If you have edit permissions for balances, you can edit the recharge schedule for a main balance or a prepaid currency balance through the Group Summary page.


  1. In Main Balances, click a main balance.
  2. In Main Balance, in Recharge Schedule, click Edit the selected object.
    The recharge schedule is now editable.
  3. In Amount, specify an amount.
  4. In Cycle Period, enter the offset for the cycle.
  5. In Cycle Offset, select Weekly, Monthly, or Yearly from the drop-down menu.
  6. In Cycle Period Interval, enter a number or use the up and down arrows to specify the number of periods in a cycle.
  7. Click Submit to save the changes, or click Cancel to keep the previous details.
    If you selected Submit, the recharge schedule is updated.