Run RS Gateway Bulk Operations

Perform this task to run operations such as subscription provisioning and catalog item purchases in bulk.

Before you begin

Before you can run this command, Python must be installed on the server where you issue the command and the MATRIXX system must be running. For information about starting MATRIXX components, see MATRIXX Administration.


Enter the following command:
kubectl exec -it engine_pod_name -n matrixx -- bash --login -c "" [--host:<hostname or ip>] [-p:<port>] -f filename.csv -t operationType
  • --host (optional) is the host name or IP address of the RS Gateway host server.
  • -p (optional) is the RS Gateway port.
  • -f (mandatory) is the path and custom CSV file name.
  • -t (mandatory) is the operation type. Operation types include the following:
    • BulkSubscriberProvisioning
    • BulkSubscriberDeletion
    • BulkCatalogItemPurchase
    • BulkCreditDebitAdjustment
    • BulkGroupProvisioning
    • BulkGroupDeletion
    • BulkGroupAddAdmin
    • BulkUserCreation
    • BulkUserDeletion

For example: kubectl exec -it engine_pod_name -n matrixx -- bash --login --host -port 8081 -f ~/tmp/BulkSubProvisioning.csv -t BulkSubscriberProvisioning


As the script processes each row of the CSV file, it records the success or failure of each request in a new column in a copy of the CSV file. If the request is successful, "Success" is added to the last column of each row. If the request fails, an error message is recorded in the last column of each row.