Device Management

The device management APIs include the methods and functions required to operate on the device primary object. They include the data elements required to create, modify, and query devices, to add and remove a device from a subscription, and to delete a device from the Subscriber database.

Note: A subscription can be associated with multiple devices, but a device can have only one subscription associated with it.

You can specify if an IMSI value is optional or required when creating a mobile device using the SubMan APIs. The default value (y) specifies that an IMSI value must be specified during mobile device creation. During MATRIXX Engine global configuration, answer the following question: question: Global:Is Imsi a required field to create a mobile device object (y/n)?

If an IMSI value is not specified in the SubMan request when the answer to this question is y, the request fails. For more information about global configuration, see the discussion about global system configuration in For information about extending an MDC, see the discussion about MDC and MDC field extension configuration in MATRIXX Integration. .

A device that has previously initiated an Sh/Sp subscription might be associated with an MtxRepositorySubscriptionObject MDC. When you delete a session using the MtxRequestDeviceDeleteSession SubMan API, you can delete the MtxRepositorySubscriptionObject by session ID or by deleting all sessions. The Sh/Sp SessionType has the value 6.
Important: When deleting a device, deleting a subscription, or removing a device from a subscription with the following APIs, MtxRepositorySubscriptionObject is deleted even if DeleteSession=false):
  • MtxRequestSubscriberRemoveDevice
  • MtxRequestDeviceDelete
  • MtxRequestSubscriberDelete
  • MtxRequestSubscriptionDelete
  • MtxRequestUserDelete

For more information about removing and deleting devices, see the discussions about removing and deleting devices.

The total number of devices for all subscriptions associated with a group and its sub-groups is returned in the DeviceCount field in the MtxResponseObject for REST and SubMan group queries. The DeviceCount for a group is the sum of the DeviceCount of the group's subscriptions plus the sum of the DeviceCount of the group's subgroups.

For more information about the group APIs, see the discussions about group REST APIs and group SubMan APIs.

You can filter the MtxRequestSubscriberQuery, MtxRequestDeviceQuery, MtxRequestGroupQuery, and MtxRequestSubscriptionQuery responses with the following Boolean fields:
  • FilterNonCatalogItems — When true, the PurchasedOfferArray in the response does not include purchased offers that are part of a bundle. Information about the required balances of each non catalog item is returned in the MtxPurchasedOfferInfo.RequiredBalanceArray array of the parent bundle in the API response.
  • FilterInvalidPurchasedOffer — When true, the response does not include expired purchased offers.
  • FilterInvalidBalance — When true, the BalanceArray in the response does not include expired balances. MtxRequestDeviceQuery does not have the FilterInvalidBalance field.