Pricing Management
The pricing management APIs return information about all aspects of pricing, including catalog items, balance templates, product offers, billing cycles, life cycles, notifications and so forth. You can also get status information for the currently-loaded pricing.
Information returned for pricing status deals with the pricing configuration XML file that is currently loaded in the pricing database. It includes the pricing XML file version, domain name from which the file was generated, the date the file was generated, the ID of the person who generated it, whether the pricing is loaded (active) and if so, the time at which it was activated.
A pricing query returns detailed information about the offers and balances. The balance information includes the balance type, credit limit, available amounts, and start and end times. For an on-demand balances, if there are multiple overlapping periods at the query time, the latest valid period is returned. The offer information includes the offer type and priority, the start type, and the cancel type.
. One set is used by pricing in the MtxBillingCycleTemplate and the other set is used by the SubMan API pricing and wallet queries. The DateOffset
value is "4" in the pricing definition, but is returned as a "3" in SubMan queries.