Purchased Item Cycle Status Life Cycles
When recurring status conditions (success or failure) for purchased item cycles specify the resource ID of a product offer or bundle, the conditions apply only to cycles for catalog items associated with that product offer or bundle. If a resource ID is not specified, the conditions apply to all purchased item cycles owned by the subscription, group, or device.
The MtxStatusConditionRecurringSuccess status life cycle condition for recurring processing triggers a transition when recurring processing succeeds. Purchased item recurring processing succeeds if all components in the product offer or bundle that are triggered by a purchased item cycle can be applied.
The MtxStatusConditionRecurringFailure status life cycle condition for recurring processing triggers a transition when there is insufficient credit to pay recurring charges. The condition specifies a length of time from the initial failure before the transition is triggered.
In My MATRIXX, you can specify that the trigger for a recurring component is a balance cycle, billing cycle, or purchased item cycle.
If specified, a recurring processing condition applies only to cycles for catalog items associated with that product offer or bundle. If not specified, it applies to all purchased item cycles owned by the subscription, group, or device.
For more information about status life cycle conditions and creating status life cycles, see the discussion about status life cycles in My MATRIXX Help. For information about API calls for status life cycles, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.