Purchased Item Cycle Events

An MtxPurchasedItemCycleChangeEvent Event Detail Record (EDR) is generated when an explicit purchased item cycle change occurs (including the breaking of alignment without any cycle offset changes). Changes that occur as the result of being aligned to another cycle do not generate an MtxPurchasedItemCycleChangeEvent EDR.

An MtxPeriodTerminationEvent EDR is generated for the following reasons:
  • A purchased item cycle is terminated early by immediate change.
  • A purchased item cycle is aligned to a billing cycle or a purchased item cycle which is undergoing an immediate change.

The EDR includes information about all associated bundles and product offers.

For purchased items owned by a subscriber or group, the InitiatorId and InitiatorExternalId fields in the event are the subscriber or group identifiers, respectively, and the InitiatorDeviceId is not set. For purchased items owned by a device, the IntiatorId and InitatorExternalId fields are the identifiers for the subscriber, and the InitiatorDeviceId and InitiatorDeviceExternal fields are the identifiers for the device with the purchased item. For information about querying events using the SubMan APIs, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.

If a purchased item has a recurring cycle, the subscriber, group, and device SubMan responses include a field, CycleInfo, in the MtxPurchasedItemCycleInfo MDC which includes the purchased item cycle information that was added to the MtxPurchasedOfferInfo MDC. If a purchased item has a cycle holding balance associated with it, the CycleHoldingBalanceResourceId is populated in the MtxPurchasedOfferInfo MDC with the ResourceId of the cycle holding balance.

The MtxBalanceUpdate MDC includes information about the purchased item cycle for which a cycle holding balance is reserving an amount (such as BalanceStartTime, BalanceEndTime, BalanceIntervalId, and CycleOwnerResourceId). For more information about the SubMan APIs, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API. For information about cycle holding balances, see the discussion about cycle holding balances in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.

An MtxPurchasedItemCloseEvent EDR is generated when a purchased item has a recurring cycle and the cycle closes. The EDR includes details of the purchased item, any associated catalog item parameters, and balance details, including the credit floor and final balance amount. When a purchased item is canceled, the MtxPurchaseItemCloseEvent EDR is generated at the cancel time plus the grace period. When a purchased item expires, an MtxPurchaseItemCloseEvent EDR is generated at the offer end time plus the grace period.

For information about the MtxPurchasedItemCloseEvent container, see the discussion about MtxPurchasedItemCloseEvent in MATRIXX Integration.