Usage and Non-Usage Rates
Rates can be based on service usage and on activities not related to service usage, such as cycle processing, first use of a balance, catalog item purchases, and product offer cancelations.
Usage Rates
- Duration-Based Usage Rates
- Usage rates based on event duration are determined by the start and end times of a session. They credit or debit balances based on a time measurement that has elapsed during usage, such as seconds, minutes, or hours. As the duration increases, the charge increases because it is based on a measurement that accrues. Phone calls are examples of events that can be charged for based on their duration.
- Volume-Based Usage Rates
- Usage rates based on event volume are determined by the size attribute in an event. They credit or debit balances based on a quantity that accumulates during an event session. As the volume increases, the credit or debit also increases because it is based on a unit that accrues. For example, you can create a quantity-based charge for a streaming media session that charges an amount based on the amount of megabytes streamed.
- Occurrence-Based Usage Rates
- Usage rates based on event occurrence credit or debit a flat rate that is not influenced by an event duration or quantity. They are used for events that occur immediately, such as SMS messages.
- Attribute-Based Usage Rates
- Usage rates based on a combination of attributes can be scaled, as with duration and quantity charges, and they can be flat rates that influence the total cost of an event. For example, you can create a charge for an Internet session that rates the session based on duration, network speed, and subscriber loyalty status.
Any action performed by a subscriber during service usage is handled as a usage event. For group-owned usage rating, the wallet owned by the subscriber initiating the usage event must have a valid balance in order for the pricing to be considered during rating. The network message associated with the usage is associated with a device ID.
Non-Usage Rates
Non-usage rates determine the cost of subscriber activities that are unrelated to service usage. They can be applied one time or on a recurring basis and can be triggered by actions performed by subscribers, customer care personnel, and system processing. The trigger is determined by the associated event type, which can be a product offer purchase, product offer cancelation, cycle processing, and first use of a balance.