Billing Cycle Management

Billing cycles properties are configured during global system configuration and managed using the SubMan APIs with which you can create or change a subscription or group billing cycle.

Billing Cycle Global System Configuration

Billing Cycle Parameters lists the billing cycle parameters that you can configure during global system configuration. For more information, see the discussion about global system configuration in MATRIXX Configuration.

Table 1. Billing Cycle Parameters
Parameter Description Default Value
Billing and Balance Cycle — End Of Month Policy Determines how to handle the end of month time when the cycle offset does not exist in the previous month. The valid options are:
  • 0 — Preserves the prior behavior, which aligns a periodic balance or billing cycle that has an offset greater than the number of days in the month to the last day of the month.
  • 1 — Adjusts the cycles for February to March 1st, where the offset is greater than the number of days in February, whether 28 or 29 that year.
  • 2 — Adjusts cycles for any month to the 1st of the following month when the cycle offset is greater than the number of days in the month. question:Global:What policy should be used for determining the end of monthly balance/billing cycles?

Billing and Balance Cycle — Period Change Policy Determines the size of the first billing period after a billing profile has been changed. This period is either shorter or longer than the usual period for that cycle. For example, if a monthly billing cycle changes in August from the 1st of the month to the 11th of the month, the period starting on September 1st is either 10 days (through September 11th) or 40 days (through October 11th).
The valid options are:
  • shorter — Always use the shorter period (10 days in the preceding example).
  • longer — Always use the longer period (40 days in the preceding example).
  • auto — Use the shorter period if it is at least half of the usual period length, otherwise use the longer period. (For a monthly period, this typically results in a cycle from 15–45 days.) question: Global:Should the first period of a modified bill/balance cycle be shorter or longer?

Billing Cycle — Period Termination When the current period is terminated early due to a billing cycle change, the subscription receives a refund of recurring charges prorated to the period termination time. The following question determines the delay from the time the period is terminated to generate the refund and forfeiture. question: Global:How long (in minutes) should period termination be delayed?

4 hours