Cycle Offset
A cycle might have an offset that is greater than the number of days in the month, for example, if the offset is configured to be on the 31st day of the month, but the month only has 30 days (for example, April). For these situations, you can configure the behavior for billing and periodic balance cycles.
During system configuration, answer the question: Global:What policy should be used for determining the end of monthly balance/billing cycles?
The following options are available:
- 0 (Default) — Sets a periodic balance or billing cycle that has an offset greater than the number of days in the month to the last day of that month. For example, for April, if the offset is the 31st of the month, the cycle ends on the 30th of April. The other months will have the last day of the month (Option 0).
- 1 — Adjusts to the 1st day of the following month if offset is greater than the number of days in the month. (Sets a periodic balance or billing cycle for February to March 1st if the offset is greater than the number of days in February.) For example, if the offset is the 29th of the month, in a regular year, the cycle ends on March 1st. In a leap year, the cycle ends on February 29th.
- 2 — Sets a periodic balance or billing cycle that has an offset greater than the number of days in the month to the first day of the following month. For example, if the offset is the 31st of the month, for all months with 30 days only and February in a regular or leap year, the cycle ends on the first day of the following month.
For example:
- Option 0 with offset day 31: Jan 31, Feb 28, Mar 31, Apr 30, May 31
- Option 1 with offset day 31: Jan 31, Mar 1, Mar 31, Apr 30, May 31
- Option 2 with offset day 31: Jan 31, Mar 1, Mar 31, May 1, May 31
The time zone of the subscriber or group is used for cycle start and end policies.