Advice of Charge

MATRIXX Engine supports Advice of Charge (AoC) for usage and non-usage rating.

Recurring Processing Advice of Charge

The following APIs return an estimate of the recurring charges and grants for all upcoming balance cycles, billing cycles, or purchased item cycles for the specified subscription or group. By estimating recurring charges and grants you can avoid a recurring processing failure for insufficient funds.
Note: The APIs do not estimate charges for recurring pricing components of suspended offers.
  • Java APIs
    • MtxRequestSubscriberEstimateRecurringCharge
    • MtxRequestGroupEstimateRecurringCharge
    • GET /subscriber/{SearchTerm}/recurringcharge
    • GET /group/{SearchTerm}/recurringcharge

The response is returned in MtxResponseRecurringChargeInfo and is broken down by cycle. For each cycle, there is a list of impacted balances, impact amounts and impact types (such as charge, tax, grant, and so forth).

In addition to estimating recurring charges and grants for upcoming cycles, the APIs return the required charges and grants for recurring processing of current cycles to succeed if the recurring processing of current cycles failed before. Current cycles are cycles with a cycle start time in the past and a cycle end time in the future. With this information, the required charge amount can be added to the wallet with a recharge, topup, and so forth to complete recurring processing for the current cycles. The Boolean field CurrentCycleWithRecurringFailure in MtxBalanceImpactInfoGroup identifies if a recurring cycle is a current cycle with recurring failure. This field is set only if the SourceEventType field value is 2 (recurring).

The Boolean field IsCycleHolding in MtxBalanceImpactInfo indicates if a simple balance is a cycle holding balance. For information about cycle holding balances, see the discussion about cycle holding balances in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.

Recurring charges and grants for each upcoming cycle are estimated according to the state of the subscription, group, or device when a SubMan call is issued and the product offer and bundle revisions that are in effect at the beginning of each cycle. Estimated recurring charges are not returned if an upcoming balance cycle is not within the window of a periodic balance. For more information about periodic balance windows, see the discussion about sliding windows for periodic balances and meters in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating. For more information about the SubMan APIs, see MATRIXX Subscriber Management API.

If a billing cycle has been changed, the response includes information that accounts for the pending billing cycle change.

For more information about AoC, see the discussion about Advice of Charge in the rating overview.