Quantity Distribution Normalizer
The quantity distribution normalizer defines ranges of usage quantities that can be associated with different rating results. It operates on the aggregated session quantity.
Usage quantity range normalizers distribute an event across the defined usage ranges so different results are chosen based on the usage quantity. For example, you can create two ranges to charge for data usage: $0.50 for 0-10 MB and $1.00 for the remaining amount above 10 MB. When the event is received, the subscriber is charged $0.50 for the first 10 MB, and if additional data is used, an additional $1.00 is charged. The quantity used in the normalization is the cumulative quantity from the start of the session and not the quantity processed by each individual message. If event aggregation is enabled, the usage quantity normalizer can operate on the aggregate session quantity.
Pricing administrators must specify the quantity unit in which to perform normalizations when creating the usage quantity normalizer. Valid values are none, seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, bytes, kbytes, mbytes, and gbytes. The quantity unit does not have to be the same as the unit received in the network message. For example, a network message for a voice call might have a quantity unit of minutes, but the usage quantity normalizer can be set up with ranges of seconds with which to compare the duration of the call. During rating, the event quantity unit is converted to the normalizer quantity unit to determine the range to use.