Create a Product Attribute

Perform this task to create a product attribute.


  1. In Attribute Definitions, on the Product Attributes tab, click New Product Attribute.
  2. In Type, select the data type of the attribute: String (default), Integer, Decimal, or Boolean (true/false).
  3. Click Create.
  4. Scroll down to the Allowed Values pane and perform the following steps for each attribute value to add.
    1. Click New Value.
    2. In Value, enter the attribute value and in Display, enter a name for the value. The name is displayed in My MATRIXX when you add the attribute to a pricing item. Note that the attribute Value must be the same data type as the attribute Type value.
    3. Click Create.
  5. If you defined more than one value for the attribute, in Default, select one of the values to use when no attribute values are valid during rating.
  6. Click Create.


Create a product attribute on which to base pricing. When an event is received, the attribute value is examined and the associated rates are used.

The product attribute is added to the Product Attributes list and are available for use by products and product offers.