Create a Cycle Arrears Recurring Discount
Cycle arrears recurring charges are applied to a balance received during the previous bill cycle and applied to the end of the current cycle.
Before you begin
Create the decision tables the rate tables will use.
- In Price Components, click the Discounts tab, and click New Discount Component.
In Create New Price Component:
- In Name, enter a unique name.
- (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about the item.
- (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
- In Application select cycle_arrears_recurring.
- Click Create.
- Click Save.
- (Optional) In Edit Price Component, edit the name, description, or external ID.
- Set a start date and time on which the price component becomes available for use.
- Click Save.