Meter Details Properties

Meter details include the service type to track and the type of measured quantity.

Meter Details Properties lists the meter details properties.

Table 1. Meter Details Properties
Property Description
Service Type The service type to track. A meter can track a specific service or all services. If set to All, and the meter is tracking charges, it can also track non-usage charges, such as product offer purchase and cancelation fees.
Measured Quantity Sets what the meter is tracking. A meter can track a balance amount, a charged quantity, a discount amount, overdraft, or a usage quantity. Additional configuration properties are displayed in the meter definition based on the selected Measured Quantity.
  • Balance Amount measures the total consumed amount and the available amount of a set of balances. Balance amount meters are similar to charged amount meters; however, the meter amount and threshold limit are determined by their balances and include impacts such as grants as they become available or expire. The threshold limit is equal to the sum of the threshold limits of the metered balances, or if the threshold is a balance-floor threshold, the threshold limit is based on the maximum available prepaid balance amount. The available amount is equal to the sum of the available amounts of the metered balances, including any rollover balances. When a balance instance expires, the value and the credit limit of the balance amount meter change accordingly. For restrictions affecting balance amount meters, see the discussion about meters in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.
  • Charged Amount counts a type of charge to a specific meter or meter class in a specific measurement unit. The meter is incremented the amount of the charge after discounts are applied (the remaining quantity).

    The measurement unit increments the meter the unit amount when the meter charge occurs. For example, a meter might accrue charges in megabytes, but the meter can be incremented in bytes. During rating, the meter quantity charged is converted to the meter quantity before it is applied to the meter.

  • Discount Amount tracks the discount amount applied to charges to a specified set of balances. The meter amount usually tracks the amount discounted but can also be configured as a turnstile meter to count the number of events that have applied discounts. When Discount Amount is selected, you must specify a balance. If Turnstile is deselected, select the measurement units to use for the meter.

    The measurement unit increments the meter the unit amount when the meter discount occurs; discounts act as positive charges. For example, a $1 discount results in a charge of $1 to the meter.

  • Overdraft meter measures the overdraft amount of a set of balances for a given balance template or class over the credit limit for all balances, for prepaid balances only, or for postpaid balances only. Use an overdraft meter to limit charges from rate tables that have Allow Charges to Exceed Credit Limit enabled. For more information about how MATRIXX Engine determines whether charges are allowed to exceed the credit limit, see the discussion about exceeding credit limits in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating. The credit limit of an overdraft meter is a fixed, non-negative amount. An overdraft meter cannot track unlimited balances. The overdraft meter amount is the sum of the overdraft amount of underlying balances and includes impacts such as grants as they become available or expire. If a charge causes the overdraft meter amount to exceed the meter limit, the charge is denied. For restrictions affecting overdraft meters, see the discussion about meters in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.
  • Usage Quantity counts a service usage amount in a specific measurement unit. The usage quantity can be one of:
    • Actual Duration — Use the entire duration of a session, including any stops between, for example, when a streaming video is paused and resumed at a later time.
    • Active Duration — Use the active duration of a session, excluding any stops between.
    • Monetary — Use the amount of currency spent during usage.
    • Total Data — Use the total quantity of data sent (out_data) and received (in_data) during usage. If the total_data field value is not set in the network message, MATRIXX Engine sets it by adding together the in_data and out_data values.
    • In Data — Use the total quantity of data received from the client during usage.
    • Out Data — Use the total quantity of data sent to the client during usage.
    • Service Specific — Use the custom usage quantity type specified.
    The measurement unit increments the meter the unit amount when the meter usage occurs. For example, usage might occur in megabytes, but the meter can be incremented in bytes. During rating, the usage quantity is converted to the meter quantity before it is applied to the meter.
Session Meter Sets the meter to measure charges or usage during a session. This option enables service contexts, for example, to charge voice calls $5 for the first minute and $1 for each remaining minute of the remaining session. A normalizer using the meter determines which rate to charge for each quantity range. In this example, different MSCC contexts each have their own session meters.

This option is valid only if the meter is not aggregate or periodic. In addition, session meters do not support credit limit notifications and can contain only one meter threshold, which must be a credit limit.

Turnstile Sets the meter to increment one time per usage or charge occurrence, rather than the same amount as the usage or charge amount. Turnstile meters do not have a quantity unit.
Update Required in Event When selected, the Charging Server records updates to the meter in the event detail record (EDR) associated with the event that impacted the meter. For information about why you might record updates to meters in EDRs, see the discussion about meters in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.
Track Balances with No Limit When selected, balances with no credit limit are tracked.
Track Virtual Balances When selected, the amount available in any virtual aggregated G/L balance is tracked. For example, for a subscriber virtual balance, this includes shared group aggregated G/L balances. If Track Balances With No Limit is not selected, virtual balances are not tracked.

For overdraft meters, when selected, the amount available in any virtual balance is tracked for an overdraft meter.

Has Period Close When selected, the period closes after a configured amount of time has elapsed after the end of the period. Usage or charges update the current period if the subscriber's meter, or any meter above it, has passed the close time. When a period closes and this option is selected, MATRIXX Engine generates an MtxMeterPeriodCloseEvent EDR.
Note: MATRIXX Engine does not generate EDRs for virtual meters created in a group hierarchy.

For information about how to configure how long (in minutes) period termination should be delayed, see the global period termination property in the discussion about global system configuration in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.

Has Daily Component Meter When selected, a composite meter produces a daily component value for each day.
Track Actual Currency Only When selected, only actual currency balances are tracked.
Track Prepaid Only When selected, only prepaid balances are tracked. This option is valid only for balance amount and overdraft meters.
Track Postpaid Only When selected, only postpaid balances are tracked. This option is valid only for balance amount and overdraft meters.
Quantity Selector (Usage Quantity Meter Only) Specifies the usage quantity to which the meter applies:
  • Actual Duration — Use the entire duration of a session, including any stops between, for example, when a streaming video is paused and resumed at a later time.
  • Active Duration — Use the active duration of a session, excluding any stops between.
  • Monetary — Use the amount of currency spent during usage.
  • Total Data — Use the total quantity of data sent (out_data) and received (in_data) during usage. If the total_data field value is not set in the network message, MATRIXX Engine sets it by adding together the in_data and out_data values.
  • In Data — Use the total quantity of data received from the client during usage.
  • Out Data — Use the total quantity of data sent to the client during usage.
  • Service Specific — Use the custom usage quantity type specified.
Units (Usage Quantity Meter Only) Specifies the measurement unit which the meter tracks. This unit can be different than the unit defined for the balance. For example, the balance unit can be megabytes and the meter unit can be bytes.
Balance to Normalize Specifies the balance class and balance option to track. Select the balance option balance template or balance tag. Meters that track a balance class are incremented when charges are applied to any balance instance of that class.
Units Specifies the measurement unit which the meter tracks. This unit can be different than the unit defined for the balance. For example, the balance unit can be megabytes and the meter unit can be bytes.