General Meter Properties
General meter properties include a meter ID, name, and validity period, and define whether the meter tracks usage or charges, is measuring an amount or is a turnstile meter, and if it is standard or periodic, prepaid or postpaid, and aggregate. Meters can have associated thresholds, filters, and attributes, but these are considered referenced items and not properties.
General Meter Properties lists the general meter properties.
Property | Description |
ID | An auto-generated unique ID used internally during rating to locate the meter. |
Name | A descriptive name for the meter. Meter names are displayed in rate tables. |
Description | Information about the purpose of the meter. |
External ID | (Optional) Use this field to identify this item in MATRIXX pricing items. An External ID is saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing Database. Set the External ID value to any alphanumeric character that is meaningful to your implementation. An External ID can be used, for example, to relate offers in the MATRIXX system to products in an external pricing plan. It can be used, for example, by the Subscriber Management API to query and purchase product offers and bundle IDs. |
Precision | The number of digits to the right of the decimal point that are used to express the meter value; the value must be an integer between 0 and 7. It is the position at which fractional rating results are rounded. Currencies typically have a precision of 2. |
Instance Creation Policy | Determines whether a new meter instance is added to a wallet when
the offer requiring the meter is purchased.
Aggregate | Specifies that the meter will be added to a group wallet and the quantity shared among members of a group. |
Device Specific | Specifies that the meter tracks currency or other assets for a device. An offer with this meter cannot be purchased by a group. |
Dynamic | When selected, the meter instance is dynamically created based on network usage events. |
Suppress Higher Tier Virtual Balances | You must select Aggregate to enable this
feature. When selected, specifies that when an aggregate balance is created through purchase of an offer requiring this template, virtual balances are created only in lower group tiers. When deselected, virtual balances are created in both lower and higher group tiers. |
Report Highest Threshold Breaches Only | Specifies that only the highest threshold breach is reported in events and notifications. Otherwise events and notifications are always sent. |