Create a Data Modify Profile

A data modify profile specifies a list of data modify actions to perform. The actions are performed in the listed order.

Before you begin

Configure the data modify actions that you want to include in the profile.


  1. In Data Modify, on the Profiles tab, click New Data Modify Profile.
  2. In Create New Data Modify Profile:
    1. In Name, enter a unique name.
    2. (Optional) In Description, enter descriptive information about the item.
    3. (Optional) In External ID, enter any alphanumeric character to serve as a unique ID on this pricing object. The external ID can be used for any reason that is meaningful to your implementation of MATRIXX Engine. External IDs are saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing database.
    4. Click Create.
  3. In Edit Data Modify Profile, (if needed) change the general properties (the name, description, or external ID of the item) and click Save.
    Note: Any time you edit the value of a general property, you must click Save for your changes to take effect.
  4. Under Data Modify Actions do one of the following:
    • To add an action, click Add Data Modify Action, and do one of the following:
      • Select the row in the Select Data Modify Action table for the action you want to add, and click Select.
      • Click Manage Objects to add a new data modify action or create a new one. For more information, see the discussion about managing added objects. To filter the list, enter criteria in Search.
    • To delete an action, click Delete Icon next to the action you want to delete, and click Yes to confirm.
    • To change the order in which a data modify action is listed in the table, in the ID column, click and drag the action to a new position in the list.
    You can add multiple data modify actions to the profile.
  5. Click Save to save your changes.
    Note: Whenever any sort of validation is run, the system checks the profiles for duplicate action sequences (that is, the same actions in the same order). If two profiles are found with the same action sequence (for example, a profile was created by copying an existing profile, but nothing was updated except the name), a warning displays listing the pair of profiles with this shared sequence so that you can determine if this was intentional.