Setting Up a Pricing Repository
MATRIXX uses the Apache™ Subversion™ source control system to maintain all pricing files contained in a pricing repository. The pricing repository is comprised of one or more independent pricing domains, each of which contains the files that make up a pricing plan for that domain. The pricing repository holds all the versions of files from all the pricing domains managed by an instance of My MATRIXX.
The versioned file system enables My MATRIXX to keep track of what was changed in each pricing domain, who changed it, when it was changed, and any comments entered by the user about why the change was performed.
- For pricing plan items: Domain_Name/Type/Object_Number.xml
- For application configuration components: Domain_Name/admin/Admin_Type/Object_Number.xml
My MATRIXX users work on files for pricing domains in their user workspaces, which are located in the /mtx_workspaces directory in a persistent volume.
The directory contains all the workspaces for all the My MATRIXX users. For example, when user Sam (whose ID is 42) logs into a pricing domain named myWorkspace the following /mtx_workspaces directory is created and populated with the latest versions of the files in the pricing repository: /mtx_workspaces/myWorkspace/42.
Any work that user Sam does in this pricing repository is stored in Sam's user workspace (mtx_workspaces/myWorkspace/42). When Sam commits his changes to the pricing repository, the changes are copied there as a new version of the files. The data in the pricing repository is in a non-human-readable proprietary SVN format.
Although it is possible to check out a copy of a pricing repository onto your local home file system, this is not the recommended way to update data for a pricing domain. As a best practice, update data for a pricing domain in your user workspace on the My MATRIXX pod and commit your work to the My MATRIXX pricing repository set up for My MATRIXX that is used by all users.