Configuring MATRIXX Engine for GL Records

Configure MATRIXX Engine to capture and store General Ledger (GL) records.

Collecting GL Information

To collect GL information:

  1. Configure My MATRIXX for GL records by answering y to the question: Global:Should general ledger (GL) info be included in events (y/n)?
  2. To choose post-5100 General Ledger records during global system configuration, answer n to the question: Global:Should the old GL Info Generator be used to generate GL info in events (y/n)?
  3. To configure how long after the end of a day that charges for events that occurred in the previous day can still be included in the GL processing for that day, answer the question: Global:How long (in minutes) should period termination be delayed?
    Note: For more information about the these questions, see the about global system configuration in MATRIXX Configuration.
  4. If you are using a PostgreSQL database with the Cloud Native GL Processor (cn-gl-processor), after you make changes to the questions, you must apply the configuration by including it in a configuration source specified in your Helm values file for the GL processor Helm chart.
  5. To enable event creation in My MATRIXX, go to Application Configuration and select Event Mapping, searching for each of these operations:
    • object_delete_subscriber
    • object_delete_group
  6. Select Create Event - true for the operations. The GL processor is then alerted when a group or subscriber has been deleted, so it can recognize revenue.
  7. Use the optional GlCenter field to associate revenue with a specific line of business. This field is stored in subscriber and group wallets and is added to each event. For more information about associating revenue with a specific line of business, see the discussion about associating revenue with a line of business in MATRIXX Integration.