Processing and Posting General Ledger Information

Processing and posting General Ledger (GL) information is different depending on which GL processor and accompanying database you use to persist your GL info. The GL processor uses the Event Repository and processing and posting utilities while cn-gl-processor with an integrated PostgreSQL database uses APIs.

  • If you configure MATRIXX Engine to add GL information to MATRIXX Event Detail Records (EDRs) and you load event objects into the Event Repository, you can use MATRIXX GL utilities to process the GL information and generate daily GL summary records. The information in the daily GL summary records can be used to produce GL posting entries. Multiple Event Repositories are supported if you use multi-tenancy.

    MATRIXX provides two Java utilities: gl_processor.jar for processing GL information from EDRs and gl_posting.jar for producing GL posting entries.

  • If you integrate with a PostgreSQL database for processing and storing GL information using imported MATRIXX Event Files (MEFs) or using Kafka event streams, you can use the Cloud Native GL Processor REST APIs to process GL information and generate daily summary records. The information in the daily GL summary records can be used to produce GL posting entries.