General Ledger Records
MATRIXX generates General Ledger (GL) information for accounts that you specify during rating. It then captures that information in MATRIXX Event Files (MEFs).
There are two ways you can store GL information:
- Using a MongoDB database with the GL processor — GL information is stored as event objects in the MATRIXX Event Repository. Use the MATRIXX GL utilities to process the GL information and generate daily GL summary records for posting to a third-party GL or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. If you support multi-tenancy, you have a base Event Repository and tenant Event Repositories that must all be configured individually.
- Using a PostgreSQL database with the Cloud Native GL Processor (cn-gl-processor) — GL information is stored in the integrated PostgreSQL database. Use the MATRIXX GL REST APIs to process the GL information and generate daily GL summary records for posting to a third-party GL or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
GL account names and transaction types can be customized in My MATRIXX. These global values are used for all
events with currency charges and assets designated as liability assets in these event types:
- First usage
- Usage and usage refunds
- Balance adjustments, rollovers, top-ups, and transfers
- Rollover balance adjustments
- Cancelation
- Forfeiture
- Period termination